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During A Matter of Perspective in RTTE


"I'm gonna go get some sleep" Astrid said, putting her hand on Hiccup's chest and leaning in for a short, but sweet kiss.

When they pulled apart, she smiled at him and walked back to her hut. Hiccup smiled back at her and turned around to look behind him.

My fiance is so smart, Astrid thought, giggling and smirking. And sweet, sensitive, strong, brave. Astrid listed in her head, smiling widely.

As Astrid opened the door to her hut, she was still listing down all the wonderful traits of her beloved.

He's cute, funny, amazing, a GREAT kisser, understanding. Astrid laughed at the 4th trait she listed. Well, it was true. Hiccup was a great kisser, she should know.

Astrid frowned while looking around her empty hut. Why was she there again? "What am I doing here again?" She asked to no one, putting her hands on her hips.

Do I have work? Do I have something to get? Do I- Astrid's thoughts were interrupted by her yawning. Ohhhhh. Sleep.

Astrid shook her head at herself, not believing that she forgot something so simple because of a boy. Well, it is a boy that you love...

Astrid shrugged at that fact, lying down on her bed and closing her eyes. She tried to go to sleep but she couldn't. Thoughts of her boyfriens filled her head, his voice, his smile, his laugh. She couldn't sleep.

Annoyed, Astris groaned and sat up trying to get Hiccup of her mind. Think of nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing...
Astrid lied back down, drifting off to sleep.

There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always, Hiccup's voice rang in her head again.
Astrid sighed and sat back up, swinging her legs over the bed.

She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep in a while, so she walked out of her hut to the docks to watch the sunset.


Hiccup shrugged as he looked at all the work he had done. It wasn't a lot, but he wasn't in the mood to continue it. He couldn't think straight. His thoughts were buzzing around one particular person. Astrid.

Sighing, Hiccup passed his dragon who was asleep on the floor and walked down to the docks, the only place he could think to go.

He sat down at the ledge, staring at the sunset and remembering the events that had happened around there. He smiled as he remembered his kiss with Astrid at sundown.

He was not getting sleep anytime soon.


To her surprise, the boy who had been filling her head was there, sitting on the ledge of the platform. She smiled and sat down next to her fiance.

"Couldn't sleep?" Hiccup smiled at her, knowingly and took her hand into his.

"Not a wink" Astrid replied, sighing while leaning her head on his shoulder.

Hiccup hummed in content, kissing the top of her head. "I love you" He told her, sincerely as he looked at the sun setting.

He looked back down at her and laughed softly. Astrid fell asleep, snoring lightly. Hiccup shook his head, grinning and carried her bridal-style back to her hut.

Gods, she's so beautiful. Hiccup thought in awe of his beloved who was sleeping in his arms.

He laid her down on her bed, gently and bent down to kiss her on the forehead. He turned around and walked towards the door of her hut

"Goodnight, m'lady" Hiccup said while smiling and started closing the door. "Love you, Hiccup" Astrid mumbled in her sleep as she stirred a little.

Hiccup grinned, happy that she was dreaming about him. And obviously, he was also dreaming of her.

"Sweet dreams, Astrid" Hiccup said, happily while closing the door to her hut.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now