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Hi guys! Another request! Set before HTTYD2! Enjoy!


Hiccup groaned in frustration and tossed the rock into the lake. He sighed as he watched it sink after it's last hop across the water's surface.

He couldn't believe that he had lost her. Well, she was still there and alive, but not actually being her. She wasn't the Astrid that he knows and loves. She wasn't her at all for a month now and it hurt him so badly.


"Babe, are you sure heard something?" Astrid asked as she followed him deeper into the large forest.

"It might be a dragon!" Hiccup said, ignoring her question and walking further. She smiled and shook her head at her boyfriend's child-likeness.

"Or a leaf, a rabbit, a fly in your ear-" Astrid listed but was cut off by a loud shout of something near by.

Jumping back in surprise, Astrid accidentally landed on a rock and toppled backwards. She fell down and hit her head hard on another rock, blacking out.

"Astrid!" Hiccup cried out worriedly and ran over to her. He quickly took her in his arms and felt blood seeping out.

"Stay with m'lady. Come on" He muttered, trying to stop the bleeding. He kissed her forehead gently and ran back to their dragons, bringing her back home.

-End of Flashback-

Hiccup walked over to the edge of the cliff and stared out at the starry night sky, his thoughts drifting off to a certain blonde haired and blue eyed dragon rider.

It had been a whole month that Astrid had woken up and forgotten everything. He could still feel the hurt from when his heart broke into a million pieces. She couldn't recall anything from her life, not even her own name. But the most disappointing of all, she couldn't remember who he was.

Hiccup tried everything for her to remember and told her everything that they had went through, but she still didn't recall anything and refused to believe that she was his betrothed.

His heart seized in pain knowing that the love of his life was out there and didn't even know who he was. It hurt so much for her to be there, but not be there at the same time.

Oh gods, did he miss her. He missed her so much. All the kisses, the small moments, the 'I love you's, and adventures. He missed them all too much.

He just wanted her to come back. For everything to be normal and good again. For her to remember who he was and be with him again.

A tear slipped down Hiccup's cheek as he thought of all this. He sat down and buried his head into his hands, feeling more tears fall down.

He just couldn't believe that everything could be just taken away from him in just that second. That she could be gone and never come back.

Too immersed in his own sorrow, Hiccup didn't notice that Astrid had emerged from the tress into the cove and saw him.

Her blue eyes landed on his figure and she instantly felt something tug in her heart. She knew that he was special, but she just couldn't seem to remember why.

She walked over and sat down beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up from his hands and immediately looked away.

"H-hi. What are you d-doing here?" Hiccup asked her, wiping away his tears and avoiding her eyes.

"I heard something and came to see what happened" She answered, also looking away.

"What's your name again?" Astrid asked him and he sighed softly, biting his lip.

"Hiccup" He told her and she nodded. The awkwardness floated in the air, both of them not knowing how to get rid of it.

Astrid shifted in her place and accidentally brushed her hand against his. She felt sparks across her skin and suddenly remembered something.

"Hiccup! Get me down from here!" She shouted, hanging from a tree branch across the ravine.

Her eyes widened in shock at the memory and gasped. She quickly turned and grabbed his arm, making him frown slightly at her.

"Astrid?" He called out and saw her go into another trance. He frowned more and waved a hand across her face, trying to get her attention. She blinked a few times and her eyes softened as she stared at his concerned green ones.

Hiccup's face lightened when he saw her looking back at him. His heart bet rapidly, gazing into her azure blue eyes and feeling himself fall in love all over again.

He couldn't help but lean in and connect their lips. He kissed her softly and passionately, praying to the gods for her to remember.

Slowly, Astrid began to kiss back and she felt butterflies in her stomach. Memories and images flooded her head, hitting her like a brick.

"Hiccup" Astrid said in recognition after she quickly pulled back, her face brightening as she saw him once more.

"I remember. Everything" She continued, her mouth curling into a happy smile. Hiccup felt his heart burst and let out a laugh in relief.

"Are you sure? Everything?" He asked, smiling widely back at her. She chuckled and nodded furiously.

"Yes! Oh thank gods! I was so scared and I missed you so much!" Hiccup exclaimed, wrapping her into a tight hug. He pressed a lingering kiss on the top of her head and she laughed again.

"Gods, Astrid. I love you. I love you so much, Astrid Hofferson. With everything I have-" He told her, pulling away and cupping her cheeks with his hands.

"And I always will" She finished, beaming joyful at him. He felt another tear roll down his cheek, but for a completely different reason.

"I love you too, babe" She whispered as they leaned in and kissed again. She always knew that she could never forget him. That he and their love could never be just a memory.

It couldn't be a memory if you constantly felt it no matter what. It just couldn't.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now