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I don't own this picture, it's just what I imagined in the last scene ❤️
After HTTYD 2


"Dad, no!" Hiccup shouted, running to his dad who had been shot by the plasma blast. He ran to his side, crying and screaming.

I quickly run to him, to comfort him. But before I could place my hand on his back, he turns to me with an angry face.

"It's all your fault! If you had kept your mouth shut to Drago, I would still have my dad!" Hiccup shouted at me, cheeks red with anger. Suddenly, he slapped me. I gasped, tears running down as I held my cheek in pain.

Everyone starts surrounding me, all of them with boiling with rage.

"I hate you" Hiccup spits on my face as I shrink down to my knees, trying to block the screams.

Astrid woke up to a start, panting heavily.
It's all my fault. Tears fell down Astrid's face, realizing that she was responsible for all the pain Berk, especially Hiccup, was going through.

If they realize that it's my fault, they'll be so mad. They'll hate me. Astrid put her face in her hands and her knees to her chest, sobbing softly.

Knowing that she needed to let it all out, she put on her armor, jumped onto Stormfly and flew to the one place she could be alone.

"Stormfly, to the Cove" Astrid whispered to her dragon and patted her on the head before they lifted off into the sky.

In a few minutes, Stormfly landed onto the Cove. Astrid hopped off and ran to the lake. When she got there, she moved her feet to her chest and her chin onto her knees, quietly sobbing.

Stormfly cooed at her owner and decided that she needed time to cry and be sad, so she let her be.

"What have I done?" She cried into her hands.
Hiccup was going through all this pain, just because she couldn't keep her mouth shut!

Everyone will hate me
I'd lose my family
I'd lose my friends
I'd lose Hiccup
Astrid's heart dropped.

I can't lose Hiccup
Not Hiccup, please.
Hiccup's everything
I'm so sorry

Since Astrid was so caught up in herself, she didn't notice a certain Night Fury land, dropping off a certain chief.

Hiccup's heart broke at the sight. He immediately ran and sat behind her, then pulling her into his chest.

Astrid jumped up at his touch, remembering the nightmare and backed away from him.

"Astrid, what's wrong?" Hiccup frowned and stood up, trying to walk towards her but she kept backing away.

Astrid sobbed softly in fear. "Please don't hurt me" She whispered softly while moving backwards.

What? Hurt her? What happened?!
"Astrid, you know I would never hurt you" He continued moving forward and Astrid continued walking backwards.

"What happened?" He asked her, eyes full of concern and worry. Astrid's back hit the wall.

She whimpered and curled her knees up to her chest. "Ni-nightma-re. Y-your d-ad dead. M-my fa-ault. Y-ou so-so mad" Astrid mumbled, crying while reliving the scene.

"Y-you hi-hit me" She finished, softly crying once more.

I would never do that! Hit her?! Hiccup boiled in rage just thinking of him hurting her.

Hiccup kneeled down and hugged her. Letting her nuzzle and cry there in his arms. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay. It's okay" Hiccup comforted her, patting her back and rocking.

"Oh, Hiccup" Astrid mumbled. Might as well...
"I'm so, so sorry!" She pulled back, still holding the straps across his chest.

"For what?" Hiccup asked the girl, lifting her chin to look at him. Making Astrid stare into his forest green eyes.

"If I hadn't talked you up to Drago then he wouldn't have gone to Berk and he wouldn't have killed your father!" Astrid sobbed, turning away from him.

Well, that's it.
I've lost him
Where would I even go?
I can't even live without him!
How will I-

"Astrid" Hiccup sighed after staring at her.
"Listen to me" He turned her around, her cheeks gleaming with tears.
"It is not your fault" He said, softly and sincerely when his green eyes finally connected with her blue eyes.

"No buts. It's not your fault, m'lady" Hiccup placed his hand on her cheek and slowly rubbed his thumb against it. Astrid leaned into his hand, closing her eyes to remember the feeling.

"It was just a nightmare. You know I would never hit you. Nor is it your fault. No one is mad at you" He comforted her by kissing her forehead.

Gods, what did I do to deserve you, Hiccup? Astrid thought, sadly and quickly laced her arms around her neck, wanting to be as close as possible to him.

Hiccup smiled and wrapped his arms around her, sighing in content.

"I got so scared that you hated me and would leave me, Hiccup" Astrid murmured into his neck, her eyes shut to stop more tears from falling.

Hate Astrid? Leave her? Oh gods, no! Never!
"Hate you?" Hiccup frowned at her words.
"Leave you?" He frowned even more.
"I could never leave you or hate you, Astrid. Never." He said sincerely as she pulled back to see him.

"I love you too much." Hiccup pressed his forehead to hers, closing his eyes.

"Hiccup?" Astrid called in a whisper
"Can you sleep with me here?" She asked meekly, pulling back and opening her eyes.

Hiccup grinned. "Anything for you, m'lady." He replied, taking her hand and leading her to Toothless who was sleeping beside Stormfly.

The both of them cuddled and leaned on Toothless for heat and support. Astrid sighed into Hiccup's chest. She would be okay.

Astrid had no more nightmares that night.


Second time at angst. Is it better lol? Well anyway, hope you enjoyed it!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now