Crazy In Love

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Hi guys! You might notice that this title is the same as another, but I changed the other one to Crazy. This title suits this oneshot better ☺️

I accidentaly dragged this up, but here it is, so all of you can see :>

Another request ❤️! Happens before HTTYD3, but they're wearing their clothes from there. At the start they're wearing their dragon scale armor. Enjoy!


It was a dark and misty night and they were on another stealth mission and dragon raid. This time, it surprised them that this was a much bigger ship with a lot more people to fight.

"ARGHHHH!" A viking shouted loudly and ran towards Hiccup with his axe raised in the air. Hiccup fell to his knees and tripped him, making the axe dig straight into the wooden deck.

He quickly stood up and blocked an attack from another viking and pushed him towards the viking on the floor who beginning to get up. Both vikings toppled on top of each other as Hiccup looked around the deck.

All the dragons were free, but they had to fight so many more people off. All around him were his friends fighting off the vikings. So much for stealth, he said in his head as he saw Tuffnut bang his chest and shout.

From his left, he heard the loud clanging of metal and saw Astrid battling with many people. He grinned as she effectively pushed two of them to the ground and dogged an attack from her right.

Her helmet was pulled up, revealing her stunning face which was framed with strands of her blonde hair. Her eyebrows furrowed in determination and her blue eyes sparkled with fierceness.

She was perfect. She was everything he could ever want or need. Not only was she beautiful, but her personality and attitude were things he had never seen before. She had a sense of duty and loyalty, a drive and perseverance. She had kindness and sensitivity, strength and pride.

But what made Hiccup happy the most, was that she was his. That they were engaged and were going to spend the rest of their lives and more with each other.

She was the most precious and important thing in his life. She was Astrid, his beloved fiancé.

"Hiccup, look out!" Astrid yelled as he snapped out of his day dream and saw a sword soar towards him. He immediately fell to the ground and avoided the sword.

As she looked at him worriedly, Astrid didn't notice a viking approach her from behind and throw something hard at her. She let out a cry and fell down to the floor, glaring hard at the man as she held her side in pain.

Hiccup saw the man grin at her and walk closer to her and felt his eyes burn in anger. This man dared to touch her. He hurt her, the love of his life, his fiancé. He hurt Astrid.

When someone hurt Astrid, things got bad. From inside Hiccup, a raging fire grew and grew in hatred for that someone. Nothing could stop him from protecting her.

He stood up and fought his way past the vikings to get to her, fueled with rage and fury as he attacked with Inferno.

In a matter of seconds, he made it through the crowd and caught sight of the viking towering over Astrid who was still lying down in pain.

"You'll be worth a lot of money, lassie" The man said, smirking down at her. Hiccup felt his fists clench and knuckles turn white as his instincts took over and he ran over to him. He tapped him in the shoulder and then punched him hard in the jaw.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now