For Their Love

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Hi guys! The pictures there aren't mine, they are from pintrest!

Happens after HTTYD2! Enjoy!


"Hiccup, we haven't talked in 2 days!" Astrid told him, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her eyes at him.

"I'm chief now, Astrid. I'm really busy" He shot back and frowned at her, making her scoff.

It was the week after Stoick had died and Hiccup became chief, also it was the third time this week that they were fighting.

"So busy you couldn't talk to your friends or own betrothed for a few minutes in 2 days?!" She asked angrily.

"It's really hectic! The village needs to be rebuilt, we need to have all these tradings things and meetings! I need to do all this!" He retorted, glaring at the blonde in front of him.

"It's not only you, Hiccup. Everyone else is here to help you! Don't dump it all on yourself!" She stated, wagging an annoyed finger at him.

"I have to live up to expectations. I can't be selfish and mess around when there are people who don't have house!" Hiccup yelled at her loudly. Astrid glowered at him and shook her head.

"I'm going" She said and turned around, walking out the door and slamming it hard.

Hiccup flinched at the sound of the door and sat down on his bed. He sighed annoyed and closed his eyes, leaning back.

He hated when he fought with Astrid. I mean, it was Astrid. This whole week, was all fighting and anger everywhere.

He loved Astrid with all his heart, but right now, he need to be a chief. He need to make everyone proud, make his father proud. He need to be strong enough to fill his shoes.

Outside, Astrid walked back to her house, her face expressionless as she went into her room and lied down.

She knew Hiccup would have a lot to do, but she hadn't talked to him for 2 days! That was a long time for a couple that was in live as they were. Even at they were enemies, they made some what contact at least once a day.

Astrid didn't think she was being clingy or anything, but that was the impression she had made on Hiccup. She just wanted to talk, for Odin's sake.

She sighed and closed her eyes, not caring thats she was still dressed in her armor. She just wanted to sleep.

The next morning, they avoided talking to each other or being around each other. Hiccup skipped breakfast again, making Astrid sigh.

In the afternoon though, they were forced to see and talk to each other. Valka had given Astrid a letter to give Hiccup, so she went over to him.

She opened the door to the room and saw him hunched over a pile of papers. She walked over, making him turn around, and handed him the letter.

"From your mom" She mumbled as he took the letter and opened it. Astrid bit the inside of her cheek as she saw his blank face.

"I didn't see you at breakfast" She stated, not putting any emotion into it. He read the letter and turned back to the papers.

"I had to do stuff" He muttered and signed a few papers while Astrid looked at them furiously and sighed loudly.

"I had to do it, Astrid" Hiccup told her warningly and glanced up at her with serious eyes. She raised her eyebrows and straightened her face.

"If someone helped you or you rested, you'll get more stuff done" She replied and looked away, bitting her bottom lip. Hiccup let out a frustrated breath and put down his pen.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now