Something Stupid

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Hi guys! Another request! This is an AU for HTTYD3 that's funnier with a little more Hiccstrid! Enjoy!


Hiccup stared at the map on the floor, looking at all they had found and gone to. He gently rubbed his thumb over Itchy Armpit, remembering the time he and Astrid had there.

Then, dust started falling from the ceiling and he hears footsteps. He quickly put away the map and grabbed Inferno, standing up.

Grimmel stepped out of the shadows and grinned at him. He poured a liquid into a mug.

"I hope you don't mind if I help myself. This is, uh... quite good" Grimmel said as Hiccup lit Inferno to illuminate the area.

Hiccup's eyes widened realizing that it was water, but instead Yaknog that Astrid had made for them last night.

'Oh gods, we might get him quicker than we thought' He said in his head.

Grimmel lifted the cup to his lips and took a sip, instantly putting it back down and spitting it out.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" He groaned and held his neck, still coughing and choking. Hiccup grinned widely and heard more laughter all around him as Grimmel fell to the ground and gagged on the liquid.

The dragon riders emerged laughing and giggling loudly. Only Astrid dropped down from their room and wasn't laughing. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

Snotlout and Tuffnut went over to Grimmel and tied him up against the wall, laughing hard. Grimmel couldn't fight back as he was trying not to throw up from the taste of the yaknog still lingering in his mouth.

"We just won a whole big war because Astrid's such a bad cook!" Tuffnut guffawed and helped tie Grimmel up with Snotlout.

"Your yaknog is Berk's new hero slash villain! It can save or kill all of us!" Snotlout laughed, tying up the scowling and still coughing Grimmel to the floor.

Fishlegs was giggling hard and held his stomach in laughter while Ruffnut snickered and held his shoulder to stabilize herself.

Astrid scoffed and frowned at them, making Hiccup chuckle softly. He smiled and began to walk towards her.

"Are you mad we used your bad cooking to fight Grimmel, m'lady?" Hiccup teased, placing his hands on her elbows and grinning at her.

She let out a light chuckle and looked up at her betrothed's face. He grinned happily at her, his bright green eyes and ruffled auburn hair.

"Shut up, babe" She replied and began smirking back at him. He laughed at her embarrassed, yet happy face and leaned in to kiss her.

Astrid blended into the kiss and laced her arms around his neck while he moved his to rest on her waist. She hummed in content as they pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Gods, you two. I just drank the worst thing in the world and you do something more disgusting and kiss in front of me?!" Grimmel spat at them.

"Hey, you are tied up and I can easily kill you right now. I dare you to say that again" Astrid threatened, glaring at the him.

"Yeah! I agree with the old man!" Tuffnut yelled, making Grimmel smirk for a second but frown again. 'Old man?' He thought.

"I'm not old, my hair's just-"
"Hey! Didn't you hear what Astrid said! She said never interrupt Tuffnut 'cause he's amazing!" Tuffnut cut him off, making Astrid frown this time.

"What?! That's not-!" She started.
"Astrid's yaknog is disgusting, but you guys kissing?! In public?!" Tuffnut continued and made a gagging face. Astrid and Hiccup rolled their eyes.

"There. We have two new battle strategies. Astrid's yaknog and Hiccstrid's kissing. Both even more powerful than if you had a bunch of class 10 dragons" Fishlegs said, making them laugh even harder.

"If that's gonna be a strategy, I don't mind having a little more battles" Hiccup grinned and said, making Astrid laugh loudly.

"Smooth, Haddock. Smooth" She mumbled, feeling heat rise in her cheeks.

"Unlike your yaknog" Ruffnut added, getting a glare from Astrid and immediately covering it up with a cough.

"You know what? Let's have a toast!" Snotlout proclaimed and passed out filled mugs to everyone around him, except Hiccup and Astrid.

"To Astrid's terrible cooking!" He cheered and everyone followed before bringing the cup to their lips. Hiccup and Astrid opened their mouths to speak, realizing what they were drinking, but were cut off by their loud gagging and coughing.

"UGH! ASTRID'S YAKNOG BIT US IN THE BUTT!" Tuffnut groaned, spitting out the liquid and gagging. This time, both Astrid and Hiccup laughed at their friends' stupidity.

"SNOTLOUT, YOU IDIOT! WHY DID YOU GIVE US HER YAKNOG?!" Ruffnut demanded, choking out the drink. Snotlout only groaned in reply.

While Hiccup and Astrid laughed at their friends and the rest of the gang was throwing up Astrid's yaknog, Grimmel scoffed and rolled his eyes at them.

'How could I possibly have been beaten by these idiots?' He asked himself in his head and shook his head at the scene.

This plan was well...stupid. This was truly something incredibly stupid. Just plain stupid. But, hey! It worked, didn't it? Just like it always does. Some things never change.

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