Better Than I Thought

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Hi guys! Another request! Enjoy!


Hiccup's POV
It was a normal afternoon on Berk as 15 year old Hiccup Haddock walked outside his house to the forest for wood.

He passed by the town plaza, ignoring the unfriendly looks from his cousin and the Thorston twins. Astrid and Fishlegs ignored him as usual and didn't do anything.

"I'll get there someday" Hiccup muttered under his breath while entering the big forest. He looked around for fire wood and found some in the distance.

As he walked towards the pile of wood, he heard a big whoosh come from his left.

Hiccup quickly turned and saw a bright light and heard loud whooshing sounds coming from it. He gaped in shock, stumbling backwards.

"Oh My Thor" He states out loud, staring at the mysterious thing in front of him. All of a sudden, it started to pull him closer.

"OH NO" Hiccup exclaimed as he tried his best to get out of the thing's reach.

Astrid's POV
A few minutes after Hiccup had passes by then, they heard a loud sound from the forest.

What in Odin's name? Astrid asked in her head as she turned to the sound and saw a bright light.

She quickly stood up and took her axe, running towards the forest with the rest following her. When they got there, their eyes widened.

"HICCUP!" Astrid shouted and ran to take his hand as he almost fell into the ominous bright and loud thing.

"DON'T IT WILL PULL YOU IN!" Hiccup shouted back, shaking his head when she took his hand and tried to pull him back.

"HELP ME , IDIOTS!" She yelled at her friends who just stared at them in shock. They quickly ran over to her and pulled her from the thing.

"I WILL NOT DIE SAVING HICCUP HADDOCK!" Snotlout objected loudly as he pulled hard.

"SHUT UP, SNOTLOUT" Astrid retorted and glared at him over the loud noise from the weird thing.

"IT'S TOO STRONG!" Fishlegs shouted while the thing started pulling all of them in. They all screamed in horror as they fell into the void.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Tuffnut cried loudly as he dropped into the thing.

For a few seconds, all they saw was darkness and all they heard was their screams. Then, they arrived back in the exact same place they were in.

They all stood up, groaning from the impact to the ground. Hiccup looked around and widened his eyes as he saw they didn't move at all.

"Hey, look! We're still in the- OW!" He exclaimed when Astrid hit him in the shoulder. He looked at her and frowned while rubbing his arm.

"What was that, fishbone?!" She asked him loudly while glaring at him. Hiccup opened his mouth to retort, but they heard another voice.

"Gods! I remember we used to call you fishbone, H!" A voice shouted and laughed from behind them.

The group turned around and saw themselves staring back at them. It was them, but different. Older them.

Astrid raised her axe defensively at the group and walked towards them. She gasped and let it fall from her hands when she saw herself.

"AHHHH!" Snotlout shrieked in a high-pitched voice and recoiled when her axe nearly fell on his foot.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now