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Hi guys! I just wanna say, you guys are always so funny and great! Thank you so much for being so amazing human beings!

An alternative, more Hiccstrid, scene replacing the one in HTTYD3! This is another request! Enjoy!


"Hmmm" Astrid hummed in happiness, leaning her head on Hiccup's chest and closing her eyes. Hiccup chuckled softly and kissed her forehead.

It had been a long day and both of them just wanted to cozy up with each other in front of the fireplace.

"'Night, m'lady" He whispered and leaned his head on hers, making her smile slightly.

"'Night, babe" She mumbled back and drifted off to sleep with his arms wrapped around her. Hiccup sighed in content and stared at the crackling flames of the fireplace, thinking.

Creak. Creak.

He heard the floorboards creak and his eyes quickly shot around the room. His grip on Astrid tightened as he found a figure lurking in the shadows.

"Who's there?" He called out and his other hand searched for Inferno beside him. Once he found it, he swiftly lit it and brought it up around the room.

A grinning white haired man stepped closer to them with a bow in his hand. Hiccup glared hard at him and raised his sword.

"Grimmel" He hissed through gritted teeth and held Astrid tighter to him, wanting to protect her as much as he could.

"What do you want?" Hiccup demanded, scowling at the man from in front of the fireplace. The man chuckled darkly and shook his head.

"Simple. Your dragon" Grimmel answered, making Hiccup glare at him harder. He shook his head and glanced worriedly at Toothless who slept beside their feet.

"I will never give him up" He answered confidently, looking back at him with determination. Grimmel smiled cruelly.

"Then I'll destroy everything you love" The man replied and glanced down at the girl in his arms, grinning. Hiccup growled and felt anger rising in him.

"If you so much as hurt a hair on head, I will rip you apart" Hiccup said, looking down at Astrid, his sleeping and peaceful betrothed. He couldn't even stand to think that she would get hurt because of him.

"Relax, Chief Hiccup. Your precious General or beloved tribe won't be harmed, if you just stick to my orders" Grimmel told him, holding out the crossbow at Astrid.

Hiccup glanced at the crossbow and Astrid worriedly and felt his blood boil. He looked up at Grimmel and could literally feel his eyes reflecting the raging fire from the fireplace.

"Don't. Touch. Her" He snarled, feeling his knuckles go white as he clenched Inferno tightly. Grimmel smirked and shrugged.

"We'll see" He replied and put down the crossbow. Hiccup inwardly sighed in relief and quickly kissed Astrid's head.

"You really shouldn't be in love with your partner in battle, general, and fellow warrior. Rather, you shouldn't be in love at all" Grimmel said, his jaw hardening at the sight of Hiccup's loving gesture.

"Love isn't a weakness. It's a strength that sadly you don't have on your side and we have plenty on ours" Hiccup retorted, making Grimmel roll his eyes.

"Love's a trick. See, if I kill her now, you will probably drown in sadness and not be able to fight back."

"Or I'll be so determined to take you down and kill you from that love. But you won't find out the answer because you won't ever hurt her" Hiccup said back, glaring harder.

"Now!" He shouted and dragon riders emerged from their hiding places and surrounded Grimmel. Astrid's blue eyes fluttered open and grinned at him.

Hiccup felt his heart flutter and grinned back at her. He leaned in and kissed her quickly before taking her hand and standing up.

Grimmel was surrounded and he couldn't possibly get out. He laughed, seeing everyone around him and smiled darkly at Hiccup.

"You think you can stop me just like this? Think again" Grimmel told them as he whistled and Death grippers attacked the riders.

"Have my dragon ready or I will find out the answer to that question!" He shouted from one of the death grippers as the dragon riders tried to run away and avoid the acid.

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelped worriedly as she saw the acid getting closer. He looked over at her and quickly got on Toothless who grumbled awake, looking surprised at the scene around him.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called out and reached out his hand. She grabbed it and he pulled her up to sit behind him. He sighed in relief when he felt her arms wrapped around him.

The rest of the dragons riders got our safely, but Hiccup's house was left destroyed and burnt. Not only that, but he was even more worried and scared than before.

Grimmel had threatened both Astrid and Toothless, almost telling him to decide between the both of them. If any of then were to get hurt, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

"I'm right here, Hiccup" Astrid mumbled and kissed his cheek, knowingly. He smiled at her and nodded slightly.

Even if Grimmel had all the plans and prepared for everything, there was something he didn't account for. Love.

Love that was so strong it could ruin everything. Love that made people do crazy things. Love that was not matter how hard he tried, unbreakable.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now