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Hi guys! This happens in RTTE, S4 E7 The Longest Day when Astrid is hella high. This is what would happen if Hiccup was there.


"Hey guys!" Hiccup said, getting off of Toothless and looking at his friends.

"Hiccup! Oh! That's a funny name, Hiccup! I like saying it, Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup!" Astrid blabbered while twirling around him.

"Woah, okay. What's happening?" He asked her, confused at her extremely happy state.

"What? I feel amazing! Like I can jump so highhhh!" Astrid exclaimed, jumping up and down rapidly.

"Why is Astrid broken?" Hiccup frowned at the group as he glanced at Astrid who was running around the place.

"She's sleep deprived so she now has uncontrollable euphoria" Tuffnut stated, shrugging as Hiccup gave a him a confused look on why he knew that.

"I feel so free! Come, Stormfly! Let's fly all the way up! Up!" Astrid shouted again, making Hiccup's eyes widen and take her hand to stop her.

"Umm, Astrid? Let's go to your hut and take a nice, good, loooong rest" He said, taking her hand and dragging her to her hut.

"Woot! Hut! Hut! Where is that though?" Astrid asked, running forward and then backwards to Hiccup.

"Just take my hand and I'll lead you there" Hiccup answered, holding her hand and walking to her hut.

"I am so happy! I feel so energized and wooh! You know?!" She yelled out, pulling her hand away from his and doing a cartwheel forward, then falling on her butt.

She laughed as Hiccup raised an eyebrow at her and walked closer. "Astrid, come on" He uttered gently, pulling her up.

"You're niceeeee" She said, dragging out the 'e' as they continued walking.

"But not as nice as Hiccup, though! Hiccup is nice and kind and smart and cute" Astrid listed, making Hiccup blush lightly.

"You wanna know something? I love Hiccup! Loveeee Hiccup! Wooh!" She told him, raising her arms in the sky. Hiccup's eyes widened and he blushed harder.

"You're being crazy 'cause you're tired" He replied, putting his hands in her shoulders so that she would put her hands down.

"No, I'm crazy in loveeee" She shot back in a sing-sing voice while they reached her hut.

"It's a secret, though! Don't tell Hiccup!" Astrid yelled as he lightly guided her through the door. He nodded and bit his lip nervously.

"I love Hiccup! Like love, love!" She told him, jumping around her house. Hiccup bit the inside of his cheek as he pulled her to her bed.

"Sleep, you need it." He directed, placing the covers onto her. Astrid nodded and closed her eyes, calming down for once.

"I know what you said might not be real, but I love you too" He whispered and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Sleep tight, m'lady" He muttered as he closed the door if her hut. He sighed as he walked back to the group.

"Maybe I'm the one hallucinating" He mumbled to himself as he smiled widely on the inside, remembering what Astrid had said.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now