Hiccup the...6 Year Old?

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Hi guys! Happens during RTTE, before Hiccstrid is dating! Enjoy!


Astrid walked out of the forest from her morning training and sighed softly, rays of sunshine hitting her eyes. She looked at her side and smiled at Stormfly before both of them walked over to Hiccup's hut.

She didn't know why, but they would always walk to lunch or dinner together. It just became a habit to them.

When she raised her hand to knock on the door, a loud crash came from inside his hut. She frowned worriedly and pushed open the door.

"Hiccup! Are you-oh my Thor!" Astrid exclaimed as she gaped at the inside of Hiccup's hut. Things were scattered around everywhere and Toothless was chasing after something.

"Toothless! Where's Hiccup?" Astrid asked, stopping the dragon before he could run off again. The dragon warbled at her in concern and looked to the left. Her eyes landed on a small figure who was holding onto the bed sheet.

A small child with shaggy auburn hair and a pair of bright green looked back at her sheepishly and her eyes widened in shock.

"Hiccup?" She called out unsurely and stepped closer to the child. He nodded and ran over to Astrid, hugging her waist tightly and pointing fearfully at Toothless.

"I'm scared, mommy" Younger Hiccup said to her and continued to hug her. Astrid looked down at the small child with her eyes wide and mouth wide open.

"I-i-i, Hi-hiccup?!" She called out again and frowned. Hiccup looked up at her with a frown on his face and nodded, tears gathering in his eyes.

She looked over at Toothless and back at the boy and realized he was actually scared of the big dragon. She chuckled lightly and picked him up.

"Are you scared of the dragon?" She whispered to him as he nuzzled into her neck and nodded slowly. She rubbed his back comfortingly and slowly crouched down to the floor.

"Toothless, Stormfly, come over here" Astrid gestured for him and kneeled down on the floor. The Night fury warbled softly and sat down beside her while Stormfly followed.

Hiccup turned around slowly to see the dragons and gasped before quickly turning around again.

"Shh, shh. It's okay. Look. They're friendly" Astrid cooed to the small boy and petted Stormfly gently. Hiccup turned around nervously and hesitantly placed a hand on Toothless' snout.

Toothless warbled again and Hiccup's face lit up. He smiled widely and began rubbing his head gently. He looked over at Astrid happily and she laughed.

Astrid placed down Hiccup and he eagerly played with the two dragon while she stepped outside for a second. She huffed in anger, knowing who did this, and cupped her hands around her mouth.

"RUFFNUT! TUFFNUT! COME HERE AND EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DID TO HICCUP!" She yelled loudly and heard crashes from inside the Clubhouse. Quickly, two forms stumbled outside and ran over to Hiccup's hut where Astrid had her arms folded across her chest.

"H-hey, Astrid!" Ruffnut greeted and panted heavily when they got there. Astrid scowled at both of them and let out a frustrated breath.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now