Each Other

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Hi guys! Another small oneshot! 6 months after HTTYD3!

Sorry for all the proposal oneshots, btw. This one really fitted in though. Enjoy!


Astrid sighed loudly and stared out at the pink and orange sky, the sun setting slowly. She had her knees curled up to her chest and her head rested on them.

It had been one of those chaotic and stressful days that made her wish for her dragon to come back to her. She missed the comfort and companionship Stormfly gave.

Six months ago, they had let their dragons go free to the Hidden World. It was incredibly sad when they left and it was still sad until today.

Stormfly was Astrid's best friend. She would support her, be with her, protect her in everything that they went through. Those 6 years with her were so valuable.

I miss you, girl. Astrid said to the Nadder in her head. She felt a tear fall down her cheek and quickly wiped it with her wrist.

Then, she heard sounds of footsteps coming towards her and straightened her back. When she realized who it was, she relaxed and looked up at him.

"Hey" Astrid greeted Hiccup who sat down beside her. He gave her a small smile and noticed that she was crying a little.

"Hey" He replied and took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze and knowing what she was thinking about.

"I just miss her, Hiccup" Astrid told him and looked back at the sun setting, searching for any sign of her dragon.

"I also miss him. It's okay to feel like this" He comforted her and stared at the sky in front of them. He sighed and turned back to her, seeing a tear slip out of her eye.

"She was always there, you know? Always with me through all that I went through" Astrid continued and turned to him, giving him a small, sad smile.

"Yeah. They grew up with us. Went with us to the Edge, fought with Drago, fought with the Red Death, fought with Viggo..." He listed and then frowned at his own words.

"Wow. We sure fought a lot with them" Hiccup said and chuckled lightly in remembrance. Astrid nodded and smiled wider, thinking of the times she battled with her dragon.

"Well, they're safe now and I'm grateful for that" She said, glancing back at the sky and then back to her boyfriend who smiled back at her.

It was always so easy for Astrid to talk to Hiccup. The conversations never seemed forced and they were always so comforting.

They were always like that, even from the days after the Red Death. From the days when they dragon raced or mapped the whole Archipelago together.

"I miss the times when we were younger. The dragon races, mapping, all the care-free stuff that we always did" Astrid told him and stared into his sparkling emerald green eyes.

He smiled and moved closer to her. She leaned on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, cuddling with her.

"I mean so much has changed. You becoming chief, then me becoming a general, and then we lose our dragons" Astrid continued, looking out at the sun set and admiring its beauty.

Hiccup looked down at her and gazed happily at Astrid. He loved the way she slightly bit her bottom lip when she was sad or when she smiled at him happily.

"But one thing didn't change and, I hope, is never going to" Hiccup said, making her turn her head to him and smile.

"Me and you. I told you before. There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always" He finished, smiling widely at her as he repeated words from their past. Astrid beamed brightly at him and widened her eyes in shock when she saw what he did next.

"I won't ever leave you" Hiccup promised and held out a ring in his hand, staring deeply into Astrid's blue eyes. She looked down at the ring and then back at him, grinning.

"I won't ever leave you either" Astrid replied and gave him her hand, slipping the ring onto her finger. He grinned back at her and leaned in for a kiss.

Out of all the things that happened, the things they lost, the things they found, and the things they experienced. There was always one thing that never changed.

They would always have each other.
There would always be a Hiccup and Astrid.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now