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Small oneshot about Hiccup running away, him coming back, you know the gist. They look how they are in HTTYD2. Enjoy!


"Aye, Morning lass!" Gobber greeted as I hopped off of Stormfly and sat down at Mead Hall in front of him.

I muttered a 'good morning' and nodded to the whole gang at the table as I sat down. While I ate my food, I couldn't keep my thoughts away from one person.

Hiccup. It was 5 years ago when he died, falling into the Red Death and saving all of us.

Oh, Hiccup. Why did you have to die? Astrid thought in her head, poking at her food. She sighed softly as she remembered all the times she spent with the boy.

Astrid suddenly stood up, attracting the attention of everyone. "I need to go" She mumbled, while turning and running back to Stormfly.

"To the Cove, girl." Astrid whispered softly as she patted her scales, flying off.

As soon as we landed in the Cove, Astrid sat down by the river, her knees curled to her chest and her head resting on her knees.

"Gods, I miss you Hiccup" Astrid whispers softly, a tear rolling down her eye. Stormfly warbles, curling up next to her. She lightly chuckles and rubs her dragon's head, making it give out a purr.

From behind her, leaves rustled, making her stand up and point her axe at it, defensively.
She narrowed her eyes, looking around for what made the sound.

Spotting a figure on the left, she threw her axe right before it, making the figure stop in its tracks. "Who are you?!" Astrid called out in a strong voice, walking closer to the figure.

"I see, you still use this axe I made you" The figure said, pulling her axe out and giving it to her. He stepped out of the darkness and revealed his face.

Astrid gaped and widened her eyes. "Hiccup?" She whispered out, sharply, feeling tears on her cheeks as she looked at him.

Shaggy auburn hair, bright green eyes, cute freckles. No, no, no! Astrid thought, panicking in her head.

"Hey" Hiccup waived and smiled, looking into her teary blue eyes.

Confusingly, Astrid just stared at him as he stood up and dusted himself off. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. She couldn't do anything. It's Hiccup! She thought, something finally registering in her brain.

"YOU COMPLETE MUTTONHEAD!" She shouted loudly, punching him in the chest as she scowled at him.

"YOU WERE ALIVE FOR FIVE YEARS AND DIDN'T TELL US, LEAVING US THINKING YOU WERE DEAD!" She continued, taking her ace and pointing it at him.

"And when you come back, you say 'hey'!?" Astrid said in a softer voice while she threw her axe down beside her, crossing her arms across her chest.

Stunned by Astrid's blowout, Hiccup stuttered to find the right words. Astrid sighed and shook her head. "Just shut up and kiss me, idiot" She mumbled as she hooked the top of his tunic and pulled him in for a kiss.

Hiccup immediately kissed back and put his hands on her waist. Astrid hummed in reply and laced her hands around his neck, wanting to be as close to him as possible. 

They pull apart, panting for air as they stared happily into each other's eyes. "I missed you" She whispered softly as he placed his hand on her cheek, rubbing her tears away with his thumb.

"I missed you too" Hiccup said back, giving her a small smile. Astrid nuzzled her head into his neck, wrapping her arms around it.

He sighed, resting his head on her shoulder. He was so happy to return.


Hi guys! Did you see the Harry Potter reference, huh? Romione?? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now