Don't Touch Her Part II

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"This sucks!" Ruffnut groaned, kicking at the floor below her, angrily. They were all awake and all still in cells, trying to find a way out.

"We need to think of a plan" Hiccup stated seriously, pacing back and forth as he bit his bottom lip, nervously. Astrid sighed softly, thinking hard as she stood up and looked back out her barred opening.

"I can try to break open the lock, but we still have no way out of here" Astrid suggested sadly while walking back to face Hiccup. He gave her a small encouraging smile.

"They should notice we're missing, by now" Fishlegs commented as he leaned on the wall of his cell, staring at ceiling.

"It looks like a lot of island outside, caves, maybe we could camp out there?" Tuffnut suggested, lying lazily flat on the cold stone floor while shrugging.

"We might have to go with that, but the risk of him finding us again would be really high" Astrid replied to him, frowning and leaning against the bars.

Suddenly, the wooden door creaked open again, getting everyone's attention. Grimmel stepped inside the hallway, grinning as he saw the scowls of the group. His ears flinched as he passed by Ruffnut who stuck her tongue out.

"I have an offer. Since only two of you here know where the Hidden World is" He glanced at Hiccup and Astrid who had their arms crossed over their chests.

"I will let the rest go, if one of you come with me" Grimmel offered, narrowing his eyes at the couple before him. Looking at Astrid's folded arms, he saw a gleaming ring with a blue gem on top. He grinned as he thought of something better.

"Oh look here, you two are engaged. Well, how sad would it be if you two lost each other." Grimnel pouted, mockingly.

"I'll let you decide" He smirked, exiting the room and leaving everyone shocked and worried for what might happen.

"I'm going" Both Astrid and Hiccip announced at the same time, then looked at each other.

"Astrid, plea-" Hiccup began, closing his eyes.
"No, Hiccup! You can't risk it, you're chief!" Astrid interrupted, furiously. She looked dead set in her desicsion.

"You're Astrid" He replied, tears shining in his eyes as he spoke. He smiled at her, looking into her crystal blue eyes.

"No" Astrid whispered softly in reply, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"It's not fair! It's either we lose Hiccup or Astrid!" Snotlout complained, his fists curling up into a ball.

"Negotiate, H. We need both of you alive" Tuffnut insisted, being serious as he stared at their auburn haired chief.

"We also can't expose the Hidden World" Fishlegs commented, joining in the conversation. Everyone nodded, they couldn't risk their dragon's safety.

"What do we do then?" Ruffnut asked, looking around at everyone.

"We escape. We have to take Tuffnut's idea and just go with the flow." Hiccup answered as he got nods of agreement from everyone.

"We may lose our lives, but we did it to protect each other and our dragons" He continued as everyone stood up, preparing for their escape.

Astrid tried to softly bust open her door, only to see that it was unlocked the whole time. She gaped as she pushed the door open and walked out. Everone quickly followed her, but their doors were locked.

"Astrid, just go back. It's a trap and you know it" Hiccup told her, looking at her with sincere eyes. She smiled at him and took his hand.

"I'll find out where we are and what we can do. I know it's a trap, but it's our only chance" She replied, walking towards the wooden door.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now