Just Jealous

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Hi guys! Happens in RTTE, before Hiccstrid is dating! Eric is another random OC 🤪


It was afternoon when an unknown ship came docking at the Edge's docks. The gang was eating lunch together and Fishlegs pointed it out.

They went down to the docks to see why a boat was randomly docking there. Hiccup stood in front of the gang and saw that a guy was getting off the ship.

"Umm, hi! May I ask why you've come here?" He greeted, looking at the black haired and amber eyed male questioningly.

"Oh, pardon me. I just need to get a fee supplies before I can continue with my journey. I'm Eric, nice to meet you" Eric greeted back and shook Hiccup's hand. He grinned brightly at him and nodded at everyone else.

"I'm Astrid. This is Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Heather" Astrid introduced the rest of the gang who waived at him.

"This is Dragon's Edge, we made it as an outpost and to fight the war with Dragon hunters" Hiccup said, leading Eric up to the Clubhouse. He nodded and looked around.

"Hiccup, you built this? You must be pretty strong. Plus, you've got great arms" Eric subtly complimented, making Astrid frown as she walked beside them.

Hiccup chuckled lightly and blushed, a smile on his face. He didn't notice that Eric was actually flirting with him instead of being friendly.

"And if you planned all this, you must be pretty smart too" Eric added, bumping shoulders with Hiccup.

This got Astrid even more annoyed and she felt anger rising inside her in every second. The anger just grew and grew, making her frown more and more.

"Thanks. Oh, here's the Clubhouse. It's where we eat and plan for attacks and hang out" Hiccup continued and walked inside the Clubhouse. Eric grinned and stood beside him, brushing his hand against Hiccup's.

Astrid gritted her teeth and tried to keep herself calm. Why does Eric keep hitting on Hiccup? Why does she hate it? Why is she so mad?

"Heather, can I talk to you outside?" Astrid asked, giving everyone a brief smile before dragging her best friend out the room and into the forest a little.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Heather asked as Astrid dropped her arm and turned to her. Heather raised her eyebrow, knowing her friend's face.

"Are you mad or something?" She asked again, making Astrid sigh and shrug.

"I- i don't know! It's just that Eric keeps flirting and touching Hiccup-" Astrid started.

"WOAH! Eric was flirting with Hiccup?!" Snotlout yelled, coming up beside them. Astrid and Heather glared at him and nodded.

"Yeah, didn't you see and hear, Snotty?" Tuffnut asked, following. Astrid gaped exasperated and glared more.

"It was pretty obvious with the complementing" Ruffnut added and jumped up behind Heather, making her yelp in shock. Heather turned and scowled at her.

"You really should have seen it, Snotlout" Fishlegs said, walking in beside all of them. Astrid put her hands up in annoyance and folded them across her chest.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now