Arm Wrestling

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Hi guys! This is a oneshot that is request! Happens a few weeks after HTTYD2! Enjoy!


"All I'm saying, Snotty, is that Hookfang might just leave you one day" Tuffnut told him, throwing his arms in the air and leaning on the crate.

"That is not gonna happen, Tuff" Snotlout said, warrily while glaring at him. He quickly looked over to Hiccup for confirmation.

"No-ho never" Hiccup denied, shaking his head as Snotlout turned back to the twin. Fishlegs raised his eyebrow at him, making Hiccup shrug back.

"If I were Hookfang, I would have burned you already" Astrid commented as she picked at her axe. Snotlout scoffed at her.

"Hookfang already did. Many times, thank you" He shot back, thinking he made a good come back.

"Excuse me, coming through" Eret called out, carrying a huge metal saddle. Ruffnut immediately started drooling and went walked closer to him.

"Ruff, I don't think that's what excuse me means" Hiccup mumbled as Ruffnut stood in front of Eret, blocking his way.

"Need some help with that?" Astrid asked, putting down her axe. Ruffnut stuck her tongue at Hiccup and sat back down.

"No, it's fine. This is way too heavy" Eret replied, beginning to walk away. Astrid frowned at him and stood up.

"Yeah. You don't think I can handle it?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her eyes at him.

"Back out while you can. Back. Out." Hiccup muttered to him, ending it with a loud cough.

"But come on, Ast. Do you really think your stronger than him?" Ruffnut asked her, getting a death glare from Astrid.

"Yeah, actually I agree" Fishlegs interrupted, nodding at the twins.

"I'm sorry babe, but you need to face the truth. I hope we'll still be together" Snotlout replied, walking closer to the twins and Fishlegs. Astrid scoffed at them and rolled her eyes.

"What about you, Hicc?" Astrid asked, turning around to face him and raising her eyebrow.

"Astrid is really strong, guys" Hiccup answered, making them groan in annoyance and Astrid smirk triumphantly.

"I'm not just saying it because she's my betrothed" He added, truthfully. The others rolled their eyes.

"You know what? Let's arm wrestle" Astrid challenged Eret, grinning as he shrugged and put down the saddle.

They moved a crate to the middle of the room and made Astrid on the right and Eret on the left. Everyone stood behind Eret, meanwhile Hiccup stood behind Astrid.

"Ready?" Fishlegs asked as the two put their elbows on the table. They nodded at him.

"Set....Go!" He announced, starting the arm wrestle. Both their faces wrinkled into frowns as they wrestled.

The others cheered on Eret loudly, shouting and jumping excitedly. Hiccup just watched quietly, knowing that Astrid hated distractions.

"You can do it, m'lady" He whispered softly, seeing her secretly biting her lip nervously.

Astrid exhaled and pushed stronger. In a matter of seconds, Eret's hand felt down with a thud.

"Ha ha! I won!" Astrid exclaimed, her face lighting up as she stood up and faced Hiccup with a smile. He smiled back and laughed with her, wrapping her in a hug.

"What just happened?" Eret asked no one as the rest groaned in defeat. Tuffnut patted his back.

"Move on. Just move on, dude" He said pitifully and shook his head as he watched the couple sway while hugging.

"Wooh!" Astrid hooted as she pulled back from the hug. Hiccup chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"I knew you could do it" He said, smiling at how happy and excited she was at the moment. She laughed and hooked the top of his tunic, pulling him in for a brief kiss.

"See, first arm wrestling, now kissing!" Snotlout whined, gesturing towards Hiccup and Astrid.

"Stop whining, Snotlout. You're not the one who was just beaten by a girl" Eret told him as he picked up the saddle and waived goodbye.

Astrid laughed again as everyone sat back down at their places. She picked up her axe and twirled it in her fingers.

"Why'd you guys think that Eret was stronger than Astrid? We all lived together on an island for close to 2 years " Hiccup stated, raising his eyebrow at them.

"'Cause we haven't kissed her almost a hundred times" Ruffnut muttered, making everyone burst into laughter.

Hiccup rolled his eyes at them and glanced at Astrid who he saw was also chuckling softly.

"Hey!" He called out softly and nudged her. She just laughed even more at him.

"Next time, I'm not cheering for you" Hiccup teased, making her scoff and look at him.

"You have to. It's called a betrothal" Astrid shot back, moving her face closer to his. He grinned and leaned in, gently kissing her once more.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now