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Hi guys! A request! I also put a small Brooklyn 99 tribute! (love that show ❤️)

This is before Hiccstrid got together in RTTE. I didn't know what else to write for this, but enjoy! 😂


"Okay, checkmate!" Astrid said happily while she took out one of Hiccup's chess piece. She grinned proudly and he laughed at her excited face.

"That's another for Astrid. It's 5:5 now!" Fishlegs announced, making Hiccup grin this time.

"Ugh! This is gonna last forever!" Snotlout complained and crossed his arms.

"It was your idea!" Hiccup retorted, an amused face on his face as he fixed the chess board again.

"You guys wanted to find out who was better at chess between me and Hiccup" Astrid added, raising and eyebrow at Snotlout.

"Whatever"He muttered under his breath and huffed. Astrid rolled her eyes at him and helped Hiccup.

"Guys! Guys!" Ruffnut shouted, barging into the Clubhouse. Tuffnut followed after her, holding a black egg in his hands.

"Woah! What is that?" Fishlegs asked and poked the egg, staring at it happily as Tuffnut placed it on the table.

"It's an egg! We found it while went to different island and blowing stuff up" Tuffnut said, causing Ruffnut to punch his shoulder and glare at him.

"You, idiot! You told them what we were doing!" She scolded as he rubbed his arm and stuck his tongue out at her.

Hiccup and Astrid went closer to the egg and looked at it with interest. It was black with specks of bright green dotted around. Almost like...

"It looks like-" Hiccup started, looking up at Astrid with wide eyes.

"A Night fury egg!" Astrid finished and smiled back at him. He let out a small laugh and looked back at the egg.

"This is amazing! Look, bud! It's Night fury egg!" Hiccup told his dragon who warbled excitedly and went over to them. The dragon gazed at the egg in wonder and smiled.

Astrid laughed at the Night fury's ecstatic face and scratched his chin, smiling lovingly. Hiccup grinned at the sight, feeling his heart flutter and quickly blush at his thoughts.

'Snap out of it, Hiccup! Astrid doesn't like you that way and neither do you! You're just friends! Best friends. Really close-okay just shut up' Hiccup argued in his head and glanced back at the egg.

"A Night fury egg, this means there are more of them!" Hiccup stated, reaching out to touch the egg and swiftly retract his hands in pain.

"Ouch! Okay, this egg is boiling hot." He said and looked up at his friends. Astrid frowned and felt that it was hot, pulling back her hand.

"But, Tuffnut just held it earlier" She said, frowning more and looking at Tuffnut for answers.

"It was cool when we first held it. Then I maybe dropped it a few times and it started getting hotter" He answered and shrugged at his friends' glares.

"A dragon egg only gets hot when it's going to hatch" Fishelgs told them.

"Is it gonna hatch now?" Astrid and asked   looked up at Hiccup. Suddenly, the quiet Snotlout yelped loudly and jumped away from the table.

They looked back at the egg and saw a growing crack on it. Hiccup looked up at Astrid with a worried face.

"Yes!" He answered and quickly looked back at the egg. The crack was all the way through the middle, the shell could break at any minute.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now