That Girl

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Hi guys! So I have got REALLY obsessed with Pitch Perfect and Victorious (why? I still don't know). So I got inspiration from Pitch Perfect 3 on this one. Modern AU. Enjoy!


Hiccup's POV
"Hey! I was sleepy!" Snotlout defended himself as him, me, and Fishlegs walked into the Karaoke Bar.

"Sleepy enough to fall asleep while DRIVING?!" Fishlegs shot back, raising his eyebrow as we found a table and sat down.

"At least we didn't die" I mutter, grinning and rolling my eyes at Snotlout. He stuck his tongue out and leaned back, crossing his arms.

"I mean it, I am driving next time!" Fishlegs told him, wagging a finger. I nodded in agreement as he shrugged.

"Anyone up for a song can come up to me!" A person announced at the side of the stage. 

Astrid's POV
"Astrid! You should totally go!" Heather urged me, pulling my arm. I raise my eyebrow and scoff.

"Are you serious? No" I tell her, shaking my head. She rolls her eyes at me and smirks.

"You should! You sing great!" Ruffnut adds, making me sigh. I look at both of them and shake my head.

"It's my birthday! Please!" Ruffnut insists, pouting at me and tilting her head at the stage. It is her birthday..and I do love karaoke.. I thought in my head.

I shrug and smile at them. "Sure. Why not?" I say, before passing them my purse and heading to the side of then stage.

"Hi, Dan. Umm. Sit Still Look Pretty" I tell him as I reach the side of the stage. 

"You got it" He replies, handing me a microphone and nods.

"Your favorite, Astrid with Sit Still Look Pretty!" He announces into the microphone and everyone cheers. Okay I may or may not be popular in this karaoke bar.

"Could dress up,
To get love
But guess what?
I'm never gonna be that girl
Who's living in a Barbie world" I sing, stepping onto the stage and grinning as the crowd begins clapping.

Could wake up
And make up
And play dumb
Pretending that I need a boy
Who's gonna treat me like a toy" I sing, tilting my head side to side to make an attitude. I look down at my friends and see then giving me a thumbs up. I laugh at them and continue.

Hiccup's POV
"-and that how I know" Snotlout finished, finally shutting up from talking for over 5 minutes.

"I know the other girlies wanna wear expensive things
Like diamond rings
But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string
This queen don't need a king" A voice sings, hitting all the notes flawlessly. I turn my head and see a beautiful blonde girl on the stage, singing and grinning.

"Oh, I don't know what you've been told
But this gal right here's gonna rule the world
Yeah, that is where I'm gonna be because I wanna be" She sings and points the mic at crowd.

"No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty!" The crowd sings as she smiles and suddenly glances in my direction, looking at me. I smile back at her and light pink began to dust her cheeks.

"You get off on your nine to five
Dream of picket fences and trophy wives
But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be
No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty" She finishes with a smile and waves to the crowd. She glances back at me and goes back to her friends.

"Hiccup!" Fishlges calls out at me and I shake my head. "Yeah?" I ask, finally facing him.

They both glanced at who I was staring at and grinned. I raise my eyebrow and sigh.

"Shut up" I mutter, feeling my cheeks turn red. They both put their hands up defensively and laugh in amusement.

Whoever this girl was, she wasn't getting out of my mind anytime soon.

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