True and Endless Love

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True and endless love

Something that the both of them thought they would never find, but as they stared lovingly into each others eyes, that fact quickly changed.

Fire blazing beside them, battle cries errupting everywhere, loud creaking of wood that was falling apart, but all they could think of was each other.

All they could see was there future in front of them. Their love, their life, their family, all wrapped into one amazing person.

All their doubts of marriage and insecurities about what lies ahead just faded away, knowing for sure that this was the person for them.

Their eyes never left the other's just like how their love never flickered. Blue eyes and green eyes connected and never wanted to separate because they knew all they needed was right in front of them. 

Through all the hard and good times, they made it together and were happy. Happy in the instance that they knew they were finally complete. Happy that they knew nothing else mattered except their live for them. Happy that they were together.

They had gone for a long time as just best friends, but they both knew that they could never be just that. They knew that their love and card extended way beyond that.

Although it took a long, but they didn't regret it. The trust they built, the care, the love that grew every day was worth it. When they finally got together and could show all that trust, care, and love, they knew it was all worth it.

When they kissed, they felt fireworks.
When they touched, they felt butterflies.

When they smiled, they felt their heart beating quicker and quicker. When they would just look at the other, they felt love.

It didn't matter to them that they could be hurt at any time.

It didn't matter to them that they were so vulnerable at the moment.

It didn't matter to them that they were in the middle of a huge battle.

All they knew and felt was love.
True and endless love.


Sorry this was so short. I couldn't think of what else to write 😂 Anyways, it was really meant to be a short and fluffy oneshot.

<3 Abby

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