One More Crazy Person

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Hi guys! I really liked making this one, so I hope you like reading it!

I just love Hiccstrid so much! Does anyone have the music that they play all the time in a Hiccstrid scene? Like the one when they kiss in Blindsided and on Itchy Armpit in the second movie?
I need to listen to it everyday 😂

Anyways, enjoy!


Astrid inhaled and exhaled sharply as she pushed open their front door. She knew Hiccup was home and she was ancious to tell him something.

She had been feeling sick for the past week and had been throwing up nearly every morning, so she went to Gothi's hut to find out what was wrong.

It's not that Hiccup would be mad, he wasn't like that at all, she was just scared that he wouldn't be entirely glad. They didn't plan this and Hiccup does not respond well to change.

When she imagined this happening, she wanted him to be as happy as possible.

"Hey, m'lady" Hiccup greeted and put down his book, smiling up at her. She tried her hardest to smiled back and act casual, but of course.

"I know that look, what happened at Gothi's? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, walking over to her and taking her hands.

Astrid shook her head lightly and chuckled. "Nothing. I just have something to tell you" She said and bit her bottom lip, nervously.

Hiccup looked at her and smiled, his face was caring and his eyes were soft. She gave him back a small smile.

"I'm pregnant" She whispered softly as she gazed into his green eyes which immediately lit up. His mouth curled into an even bigger smile.

"Astrid, that's fantastic!" He cried out, wrapping his arms around his wife in joy. She sighed in relief and hugged him back.

"We're gonna be parents!" Astrid said, tears filling up her eyes. She pulled back and saw that Hiccup was in the same state.

"Gods, how did I get so lucky?" Hiccup muttured and placed his hand on her cheek, smiling so much that his cheeks began to hurt.

Toothless warbled at them, confused, as he went towards the two. Hiccup and Astrid laughed.

"I swear, if you let this baby onto a dragon before it can even say 'dragon', I will kill you, Haddock" Astrid warned, narrowing her eyes in a teasing maner at her husband.

He rolled his eyes and put his hand on her waist, pulling her in for a kiss. Astrid grinned into the kiss and laced her hands around his neck.

"Gods, I love you" She mumbled into the kiss, making Hiccup chuckle and grin.

"Oh gods" Astrid said, suddenly pulling back and frowning. Hiccup frowned, looking at her, and opened his mouth to speak, but Astrid beat him to it.

"With your curiosity and stubbornness added to my feistiness and strength, this baby is gonna be crazy!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. Hiccup laughed at her.

"Then, we'll have one more crazy person in this family" He replied, smiling happily at her. She sighed and grinned back, wrapping him in a hug.

After a while, Hiccup starts whistling a familiar tune. Astrid chuckles, hearing the song, and giggles even more when Hiccup takes her hands, beginning to sway along with it.

It was dark and a little cold that night, but inside Astrid and Hiccup's hut, it was warm and bright.

Through their window, you could see Astrid laughing as Hiccup smiled and spun her around in a circle. They danced and sang, smiling and laughing with each other, being crazy as can be.

In a few months, they'll be even crazier.
They'll have one more crazy person with them.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now