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I got this pic online and had to make a oneshot about it. Set in RTTE S4 before Blinsided


Hiccup sighed deeply as he sat down by the Cove, Toothless following him, sitting down as well.

I just can't show her my feelings! It has to be perfect and... there's nothing perfect enough for her.

Hiccup stood up and walked towards the lake. Still thinking deeply about his best friend.

I mean, we've known each other since we were kids. We've gotta have some kind of connection....

Hiccup scoffed. Yeah. Like I could land a girl like Astrid Hofferson.

He leaned down to grab a stone and tosses it across the water, making ripples as it bounced three times then sank.

But she did kiss me three times. That has to mean something. And she does care about me.

Frustrated, Hiccup fell to the ground and sat cross-legged. He picked at his shoe, fully immersed in his thoughts.

Beside his shoe, was a flower. He thought of something to solve his problem. Hiccup chuckled and shook his head at his idea. He plucked the flower from the ground and started pulling it's petals off.

"She loves me" He mumbled, pulling off a petal
"She loves me not" Another petal

Toothless cooed at his rider. The dragon walked over to Hiccup and plopped down beside him with a thud.

Since he was a curious Nightfury, he got a flower from the grass and held it in his paws like his friend did.

Little did Hiccup know that an Astrid Hofferson was walking by them and heard what he was muttering.

Astrid turned her head at Hiccup's words and blushed a deep red. She quickly walked towards them and grabbed the flower from Hiccup's hands.

"She does love you" Astrid said sincerly as he turned to look at her. His face formed a confused frown and tilted towards her questioningly, but still showed a tiny smile.

She rolled her eyes at him, tossing the flower behind her. Sometimes, he was so oblivious.

Astrid grabbed his collar and roughly pulled Hiccup's lips towards hers, kissing him passionately.

Hiccup responded immediately and put his arms around her neck, pulling her down to her knees. After a million years, they pulled apart, gasping for air.

"I get it now" Hiccup said chuckling at his stupidity.

"You better have because she does love you and you need to get that through your stubborn little head." Astrid narrowed her eyes at him, getting lost in his bright green eyes.

"Yes, m'lady" Hiccup grinned at her and pulled her closer, making the dragon rider sigh in relief.

"He does love you too" He said, smugly at her and kissed her once more.

Toothless just stared at them in confusion, thinking of only one important question....
What happened to the flower?


Hope you liked it!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now