Just Friends

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During RTTE, before Blindsided.


"Hey, why are you and Hiccup so close?" Tuffnut asked as Astrid and her sat down at the Clubhouse.

"What?" Astrid asked, confused at the question. Hiccup and here weren't THAT close....were they?

"Yeah, you and Hiccup are really close." Ruffnut commented, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, best friend close." Astrid said, avoiding eye contact from her, standing up.

"You guys are way closer than that" Ruffnut insisted, slamming her hands on the table, making Astrid jump a little in surprise.

"Ruffnut!" Astrid called, turning to her friend. Astrid's face formed a slight scowl.

"Me and Hiccup are JUST FRIENDS!" She shouted, shaking her head in disbelied at the girl.

Astrid turned around and stomped out, wanting to be anywhere else but there.

Ruffnut laughed as Astrid slammed the door shut. "Mission acomplished." She said, smirking.


"Hey, Hiccup" Tuffnut said, entering the stables. Inside, was Hiccup feeding his dragon Toothless some fish.

"Hey, Tuff" He replied patting Toothless on the head, getting a warble from the Nightfury in reply.

"So, what's up?" Hiccup asked, turning to his friend and leaning on his dragon.

"Question" Tuffnut smirked and put his hands up in a defensive position, already knowing his reaction.

"Why are you and Astrid so close? I mean, you guys are always like 'Astrid, I need to talk to you outside' and 'Hiccup, I need to talk to you outside'. Like you guys-"

Hiccup frowned and crossed his arms across his chest. He shook his head in disbelief. Was he and Astrid that close? But like, best friend close. Yeah, best friend close.

"We're best friends. Nothing more to it" Hiccup replied, scratched his head in slight annoyance.

"Come on, you know you guys are more than that." Tuffnut teased, shaking his head while grinning. Hiccup scoffed, turning back to his dragon.

"Admit it! You're pretty much dating already!" Tuffnut continued, pressing on and purposely annoying Hiccup. Hiccup exhaled sharply and turned to the twin.

"Astrid and I are friends. Can you get that through your thick skull!" Hiccup spat, really annoyed. Shaking his head, Hiccup walked out of the stables and away from Tuffnut.

Tuffnut fist pumped the air, seeing Hiccup leave the stables. "Misson acomplished!" He said to Toothless, grinning.

The dragon just tilted its head and shrugged. It was Tuffnut, afterall.


Hiccup walked to the only place he felt like he could go to be alone. The docks.

As he walked down the steps, he found that someone else was already sitting down at the ledge of the platform. Suddenly, the plank he was standing on creaked a little, getting the attention of the person.

Astrid turned around in surprise and let out the breath she was holding when she saw it was Hiccup. It's only Hiccup, Thank Thor...oh gods, it was Hiccup.

Astrid looked down awkwardly, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. Stupid Ruffnut, she cursed in her head while bitting her bottom lip, nervously.

Hiccup also looked away, an evident blush on his cheeks. "Hey, Astrid" He greeted, sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey" She said back, finally locking eyes with him and tilting her head, gesturing him to sit beside her. Hiccup grinned back and sat down beside the blonde.

Astrid sighed. "Why do you think we're so close?" She asked him while leaning her head on his shoulder.

Hiccup looked at her and gave her a small smile. "I think we're just best friends who care about each other a lot" He replied, looking into her blue eyes, making heart flutter. Her beautiful crystal blue eyes. The eyes that he longed to see every time he woke up. Yep. Just friends, Haddock. A voice said in his head, sarcastically. Shoot, he cursed on the inside.

Astrid smiled, seeing his small toothy grin, making her stomach do summersaults. His cute toothy grin. The grin that she loves and will do anything to see. She sighed on the inside. Okay, maybe not just friends.

They just gazed into each others eyes for a minute, the world fading beside them. Their only focus was each other. Realizing what they were doing, they both instantly blushed and pulled apart.

Hiccup chuckled awkwardly while they both stood up. "See you later, be-best fri-iend!" He stuttered out standing in front of her, biting the inside of his cheek and looking away.

"Yeah, ju-just frie-friends!" Astrid giggled nervously while looking down at her hands.

They both glanced up at the same time, blue meeting green. They both blushed again, and stuttered out a goodbye and left in the opposite direction of the other.

"Aw, man!" Tuffnut and Ruffnut cursed from the bushed behind the docks.

Their friends were so stubborn. Why couldn't they see that they were perfect for each other!

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now