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Hi guys! This is inspired by Brooklyn 99 ❤️! A really great show! So, Hiccstrid is about 25-26! Enjoy!


It was another day in Berk City at the 99th precinct. Paperwork was being done, criminals were being arrested, and competition was growing.

"Detective Haddock" Astrid Hofferson greeted with her arms folded and a smirk on her face.

"Detective Hofferson" Hiccup Haddock replied, putting down his bag and copying her stance. They both narrowed their eyes at each other intimidatingly.

Yet they acted like it, Hiccup and Astrid were not enemies. They had been friends that playfully competed against each other for years in the police force, becoming better together.

They couldn't deny that there was always something between them. A chemistry, something that just pulled them together.

"You're late" Astrid stated, glancing at the clock behind them and cocking an eyebrow. He turned his head to see the time and shrugged.

"So, I am late. What's it to you? You can't make an arrest in those 5 mins and get a head start" Hiccup asked, making her grin and shake her head.

"I don't need to, Detective Haddock, what's the score again?" Astrid asked and innocently smiled at him. He rolled his eyes at her and chuckled.

They had a competition going on who was the better detective, so they counted the number of arrests they've made. So far, Astrid was winning.

"23 to 25" Hiccup answered, looking at her.
"That's right, Haddock! I'm in the lead!" Astrid bragged and grinned widely. She looked at the small smile on his face and felt something flutter in her stomach.

His smile made her heart beat faster and want to beam back. His auburn hair was in it's usual shaggy state and he was wearing his usual clothes. A red button-down shirt, gray hoodie, sneakers, and black jeans with his police badge and a dark blue tie around his neck.

Even if he was wearing his usual clothes, Astrid's cheeks started to flush. They realized they were looking at each other and quickly looked away. Hiccup coughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck while she gulped and tucked her hair behind her ear. Suddenly, a loud voice distracted her from her thoughts.

"Haddock, Hofferson! In my office!" The captain's voice boomed through the bullpen. They both cocked an eyebrow at each other and went to his office, thinking of what it could be.

"Captain, you wanted to see us?" Astrid asked, stepping into his office after Hiccup.

"Take a seat" Captain Vastly said, gesturing to the two seats before his desk. Both of them sat down as the Captain leaned back in his chair.

"I need you both to work on this case. It's a string of B&Es with a possible homicide" He continued, passing them a beige folder. Hiccup opened and quickly read it before passing it to Astrid.

"Do you think you're up for the task?" He asked them. The two detectives looked at each other and grinned. They looked back at their captain and nodded.

"I know you have this competition going on, but please don't let that get in the way" Captain Vastly told them.

"It won't, sir" Hiccup told him, getting a nod in reply. He looked over at Astrid who raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"Very well then. You are dismissed" The captain said and gestured to the door while the two got up and left the room.

"You heard the captain. Don't let it distract you, Astrid" Hiccup teased as they walked back to their facing desks. She scoffed and smirked at him.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now