Father and Daughter

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Hi guys! Another short oneshot! After HTTYD3! Hiccstrid is 41 and Zephyr is 17. Enjoy!


Hiccup and Zephyr both stared intently at the chess board in front of them. Zephyr moved one of her pieces, the Gronkle, forward and remained a poker face.

Hiccup looked at his daughter's face then back down at the board. He contemplated his next move and moved the Zippleback forward, baiting Zephyr.

Zephyr's eyes lit up as she saw her chance and took out his Zippleback with her chief. She leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed and a smug smile on her face.

Hiccup chuckled and easily took her chief with his Nadder, causing her to gape and lean forward. Her eyes widened as she looked between her father and the chess pieces.

"Checkmate" Hiccup said and grinned at Zephyr's shocked face. She shook her head to clear her thought and returned a smile.

"I was too eager again" Zephyr admitted, taking the Zippleback in her hands and twirling it around. His father nodded and noticed how much she was like her them. Zephyr had her mother's instinct and his ability to gracefully lose.

"You can always go ask your mother for help as well. Battle strategy is something she does best" Hiccup advised her, thinking of all the times he and Astrid had planned together for an attack.

Zephyr nodded again at her father's words and stared out the window. She was 17 now. She was grown up, but still training to be a chief. She had learned the chief's responsibilities, what kind of problems Berk has, Berk's ties with other villages, it all seemed so overwhelming.

"Dad?" She called out, turning her head to see her father fixing the chess board. He hummed back in response and smiled at her.

"What's the most important thing you need to know about being chief?" She asked him. He bit his lip and thought hard at her question.

He thought about every time he struggled as chief and he always found one thing in common: Astrid. She would always be there to give him courage, advice, and help him be better. Astrid was always there for him.

"Zeph. You probably find all this chief things to be scary and so much work. I have to tell you though, that it is. To be chief is a difficult job and you have to know that" Hiccup told her, seeing her face become sadder and more tired.

"But the most important thing to know is that, you're not alone" He continued and smiled at her, making her beam back at him happily.

"There will always be people to help you get through this. Like me, your mom, Nuffink, your grandma, Gobber, all your uncles and aunts, and...your boyfriend" He said, sighing as he finished the sentence. Zephyr blushed at the mention of her boyfriend and awkwardly cleared her throat.

"It took me a hard loss to realize this, Zeph, and I don't want you to go through what I had to." Hiccup smiled sadly at his daughter and she nodded, knowing what he was talking about.

"Your mother would always be there for me, but her support was different. It was support from the person that I loved and trusted the most"

"She would give advice, support, encouragement, and sometimes just company. Even if she just sat beside me as I signed papers, she was still there to be with me" Hiccup sighed and took Zephyr's hand in his, staring into her blue eyes.

"I may not love the idea of my baby girl having a boyfriend," He said, making her laugh softly.

"But, I want you to have someone like that. Someone that will be with you no matter what. And if you know that Haldor is that someone, I'll support you" Hiccup finished with tears in his eyes, smiling at Zephyr. She laughed softly in happiness at her father and ran over to him.

He gladly opened his arms and gave her a warm hug, cherishing the moment with his beloved daughter who just kelt growing up.

He couldn't believe that she was already 17 years old. That she grew up to be so amazing and talented. That she was so smart and fierce. That she had a boyfriend and she wasn't his baby girl anymore.

"And if he isn't, I'll always be here too" He added, making her laugh again. He felt her hug him tighter and smiled widely.

No matter what he would always be there for her. Father and Daughter.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now