In-Law Bonding Part II

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Valka smiled widely at her son. It had been so long since they were seperated, but at last they were together now.

Hiccup, then, turned to Astrid and started talking to her. After she made a joke, he pulled her in for a kiss.

Valka raised her eyebrows in confusion and shock. My son has a girlfriend?, she thought in awe. He was older than she thought.


After the ceremony, they all gathered to celebrate in the Mead Hall.

As Valka entered the hall she saw Hiccup and Astrid talking to some of the people, smiling and laughing while holding hands. Who is she?, Valka thought.

The rest of the gang and Gobber were sitting down at a table, drinking mead and laughing.

Valka walked towards the group, looking at the couple. She tapped Gobber on the shoulder and pointed to Astrid.

"Who is she?" Valka asked in confusion.
"Astrid Hofferson" Fishlegs started.
"Her and Hiccup are betrothed" Ruffnut finished in a sing-song voice, rolling her eyes.

Betrothed? Valka chuckled, remebering when she and Stoick were once them. Laughing and care-free.

Hiccup and Astrid just finished talking to a person when she saw from the corner of her eye, Valka walking towards them.

"Hiccup" Astrid tugged on his tunic, urgently not making eye contact with his mother.

"Your mom's coming over" She mumbled out, shakily. What if she doesn't like me? What if she stops me from seeing Hiccup? And Stoick isn't here to help me. Astrid thought, really scared.

"Hey, are you scared?" Hiccup whispered softly, raising his eyebrow and smiling a bit.

Astrid gulped. "Well, she's your mom and I haven't met her before, so I need to make a good impression and-" She babbled on, crossing her arms and frowning.

"If she's not stupid, she'll love you" Hiccup comforted her sincerely, tucking her hair behind her ear. Astrid sighed and smiled, grabbing his hand to turn to his mother.

"Hey, mom" Hiccup greeted with a grin.

"Oh mom, this is Astrid Hofferson. My fiancé." Hiccup said, smiling at his betrothed as she smiled back.

"Hi Mrs. Haddock" Astrid greets formally, smiling sincerely. Valka nodds back to her, returning the smile.

She has nothing to be afraid of. She's already so amazing, Hiccup thought happily of Astrid.

"You're a lucky guy, Hiccup." Valka said to Hiccup, chuckling.

"I imagine a girl like you would have been hard to pursuade to be with my son" She commeonted, facing Astrid and smiling.

Astrid giggled at her words and shook her head. "It just took a lot of time for us to date" She glanced at Hiccup, grinning.

"Wasted time" Hiccup corrected tilting his head, also grinning at her.

"Astrid, I would love to get to know you more. Say, how about we go on a flight, you know, after we get all this mess cleaned up?" Valka asked Astrid, hopefully.

"Of course!" Astrid answered immediately, nodding.

"Wonderful. Excuse me, I'll be heading back to tend to some of the Dragons." Valka waived good bye, walking away from them.

"Well, that went well" Hiccup commented, lacing both his hands with both of hers, turning to her.

"Yeah, phew. Thank Thor, it did" Astrid sighed in relief, happy that Valka didn't hate her.

Hiccup chuckled, shaking his head at her. "What?!" Astrid frowned at him, then grinned.

"Wait until it's your turn, babe. I haven't properly introduced to you my dad yet." She said, smugly while walking to their table.

Hiccup stood still, shocked. "Hey! Come back here! Don't you sit down there, m'lady!" He called, walking quickly towards her.

Valka shook her head from the door, grinning at his son and his betrothed. Just like me and Stoick, She thought while closing the door of the hall and stepping outside.


Please comment if you wanna see that flight between Astrid and Valka!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now