See You Again

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Hi guys! Sorry, but there's gonna be a lot more angst after this 🤣

This is kinda dark and happy at the same time. Happens when Hiccstrid is 50 and Valka is 70. Enjoy!


"Mom?" Hiccup called out, stepping into her hut with Astrid following behind him. Everyday, Hiccup and Astrid would go to Valka's hut and visit her.

He walked into her room and pushed open the door to see Valka still lying down on her bed. His mother looked up at him and smiled brightly as he walked over to her.

"Hiccup" Valka whispered lightly as he sat down beside her. Astrid smiled and sat down at the chair beside them.

"Hi mom" Astrid greeted as Valka smiled at her. She looked back at Hiccup who had a worried expression of his face.

"Mom, are you okay?" He asked, concerned. Valka let out a small laugh and shook her head.

"I'm going to go soon" She said to him, making him frown even more. Astrid gasped and placed her hands on her mouth.

"What? Go where?" Hiccup asked innocently, confused and looked between Astrid and his mother who laughed again.

Honestly, Hiccup was naive and Astrid and Valka had always laughed at him teasingly for it. Only at this time, Astrid couldn't.

"To see your father again, son" Valka answered, smiling happily at him. Hiccup's face fell and shook his head.

"No. Mom. Please, stay" He immediately begged and held her hand. Her smile faded into a sad one and she shook her head.

"My time has come, Hiccup. I know you will be okay. Both of you have each other" Valka told them, taking both their hands in hers. Astrid felt a tear fall down her cheek and let out a shaky breath.

"I am so lucky to have been here with both of you. You, Hiccup. My son. These past 30 year have been so amazing. I'm so glad that I found you" Valka said to him, making tears fall rapidly down to her bed sheets. She gave him a small smile and turned to Astrid.

"You, Astrid. My beautiful daughter-in-law. You have been the daughter both me and Stoick wanted and I am so happy that you are there for my Hiccup. You are a wonderful person and an even more wonderful daughter" She continued, making Astrid sob softly but still have a smile on her face.

"You are an great mother too" Astrid replied and smiled brightly at her.

"Mom, I love you" Hiccup whispered and kissed his mother's forehead lovingly.

Valka looked at both of then and saw the tears on their faces. She frowned and wiped away a tear on Hiccup's face.

"Don't be sad. I'm finally going to with Stoick. I'll be happy, Hiccup. I know, I'm going to leave you again, but we will see each other once more. I love you both" Valka told them and saw Hiccup nod. She looked at their face one last time and smiled before closing her eyes and letting the light take her.

Astrid and Hiccup sat there, watching as Valka drifted off and was finally set free. He let out a soft sob and looked over at his wife with pained eyes. She quickly sat beside him and let him cry into her shoulder.

Hiccup hugged Astrid tightly, nuzzling his head into her neck and crying. Astrid rubbed his back comfortingly and rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and listened to her husband's cries, letting her tears fall.

"Shhh. It's okay. She's happy now. She's happy. She's with your dad and she's happy" Astrid told him and smiled a little, thinking of Valka.

Hiccup felt his sorrow ease at her words and thought again of his parents finally reuniting in Valhalla. The scene warmed his heart, remembering the one in the ice cave and he smiled.

He pulled back and Astrid placed a hand on his cheek, looking into his bright green eyes that were clouded with tears. They both smiled at each other with tear stained faces and new everything was going to be fine.

Even if Valka had left them and would't ever come back, they knew that they would meet again. That they would see her in the gates of Valhalla, Stoick by her side. It was just a matter of who went first.

"I'm going first" Astrid blurted out, making Hiccup grin and shake his head. She looked at him seriously and nodded.

"I. Am. Going. First." She said again and he bit his lip, still shaking his head. She sighed softly and grinned again, making Hiccup laugh.

"I love you" Hiccup told her and smiled widely.
"I love you too" Astrid replied and smiled back.

They both looked over again at Valka and sighed. Hiccup placed an arm around Astrid as she leaned on his chest and placed a hand on his heart.

'I can't wait to see you again' Both of them thought, thinking of Valka. But they forgot one thing. She would always be right their in their hearts.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now