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Hi guys! Another request! Don't worry for all the other people who have made requests! I didn't forget!

Happens during S6 of RTTE! Enjoy!


"Look out!" Astrid shouted at Hiccup and he ducked at the incoming arrow. He turned back and smiled at her.

'Gods, she's beautiful' He said in his head whole gazing at her in the sunset.

"Thanks" Hiccup said and saw her smile back before turning forward again.

"Ugh, all this Hiccup and Astrid lovey-dovey stuff is so-euch!" Snotlout complained while they fought against the dragon hunters.

"Shut up, Snotlout!" Both of them replied, taking down another ship together. Hiccup grinned at Astrid, but then saw an arrow come towards her.

"Astrid! Look out!" He shouted and she turned around quickly, but the arrow had already hit her side. She gasped and held tightly on to Stormfly.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called again and flew quickly to her. He took Astrid in his arms and frowned at her worriedly. She closed her eyes in pain and sighed deeply.

"Follow after us, Stormfly. GANG!" He yelled, getting his friends' attention. They all turned to him and gasped as they the wounded Astrid in his arms.

"Astrid's shot and I'm taking her to Berk. Take down all of these ships. All of them" Hiccup told them, glaring down at the ships and taking off to Berk. The rest nodded and went back to their job, this time with more determination than ever.

"To Berk, bud. Be as quick as you can" He said to his dragon and patted the side of his head. Toothless warbled loudly in reply and flew faster.

"Ughhh, Hiccup?" Astrid groaned and asked him sleepily, her eyes fluttering open. Hiccup held her tighter in his arms and brushed a hair behind her ear.

"Shhh, shh. It's okay. Rest. I'm gonna get you to Berk and you're gonna be fine, Astrid." Hiccup said and smiled at her. She hummed in content and nuzzled her head in his chest, closing her eyes once more.

"I promise. I won't let anything happen to you" He added and kissed her forehead, wrapping his arm around her.


"It's Hiccup and Toothless!" Someone shouted and pointed up at night sky. They landed right in the middle of the plaza and Hiccup jumped off and carried Astrid, bridal-style.

She stirred a little in his arms and he brought her closer. "It's okay. We're here" Hiccup whispered to her and looked back up to see her parents rushing towards them.

"Astrid!" Both Martin and Ingrid Hofferson shouted as they ran over to them. Hiccup passed Astrid to her father and saw them glaring at him.

"You did this to her, boy!" Martin hissed and held Astrid in his arms. Ingrid frowned deeply and looked at her daughter worriedly.

"Sir, I-" Hiccup started and reached out for Astrid, but was cut off by him stepping back and scowling more at him.

"You are never to see her again." Her father scolded and walked off to Gothi's hut. Ingrid huffed at Hiccup angrily and followed her husband.

Hiccup frowned worriedly and caught a glimpse of Astrid through the crowd and sighed. He looked back at Toothless and gave him a tiny smile. The Night fury warbled in concern for his rider and Stormfly flew off to Gothi's hut for hers.

Meanwhile, Astrid was laid down gently on a table as Gothi began to heal her wound. She tried to open her eyes to find a certain auburn haired dragon rider, but soon fell asleep.


The first rays of the sun hit Astrid's eyes and they began to flutter open. She looked around and realized she wasn't in her hut at the Edge. Panicked, she quickly sat up and saw her parents asleep on two chairs.

"Mom, dad?" She called out sleepily and they began to wake up. Immediately, their faces melted into smiles and they ran to hug their daughter.

"Astrid!" Martin and Ingrid exclaimed and hugged their daughter tightly. Astrid made an 'oof' sound and hugged them back, smiling.

She looked around the room, looking for someone, and frowned as her parents pulled back. She raised her eyebrow and scanned the room again.

"Where's Hiccup?" Astrid asked, looking back at her parents who looked away from her. She narrowed her eyes at them.

"Mom, dad, what did you-?" She started.
"Astrid, it was for the best. He kept getting you into trouble! Look what happened!" Ingrid explained, cutting her off and making her frown more.

"What?! No! I'm fine!" Astrid argued and swung her legs over the table, carefully standing up.

"Well, what if this happens again and you're not? We can't take any risks. You can't see him again" Martin commanded and Astrid scoffed in disbelief of them, shaking her head.

"Ever since you were 15 and that Red Death happened, you were always in trouble! And because of him!" Martin continued.

"Do you understand Astrid?" Ingrid pressed, frowning at her daughter and trying to get see her face. Then, Astrid abruptly looked them straight in the eye and glared.

"No." She rejected, her fists clenching. Her dad opened his mouth to object, but she beat him to it

"No, dad. I am going to see Hiccup and keep dating him. There is nothing you can do to stop me" Astrid told them, folding her arms across her chest.

"Hiccup will only-" Martin began.
"I LOVE HICCUP! Hiccup protects me! He cares for me! He isn't going to get me in trouble! In fact, sometimes he does crazy things just to make sure that I won't even hear about the trouble so I won't go after it!" Astrid blurted out, letting her arms fall to her side.

"Because it's me who decides for myself. Not anyone. Not Hiccup or both of you. It's me." She said in a softer voice compared to her shouting one.

"We can't risk it. Even if you decide to do these things, he can't always protect you" Ingrid said in the same tone, letting her anger turn to worry. Astrid dropped her glare and slowly smiled.

"He can't, but I am not going to leave him. No matter what. Mom, dad, I love him. Nothing can change that" Astrid replied, smiling sadly at the two of them. Martin and Ingrid looked at each other worriedly and back at their daughter.

"Okay, but just-be careful. Please" Martin told her, sighing softly. Astrid smiled wider and nodded happily.

"Stay safe, Astrid" Ingrid said to her daughter and smiled. Astrid let out a small laugh and waived to them before running out of the hut. The moment she walked out of the hut, she saw a familiar face in front of her.

"You love me?" Hiccup asked her, smiling sheepishly. Astrid gaped and tried to say something, but couldn't form the words.

"I love you too" He told her and took both her hands in his. She chuckled lightly and smiled at him, gazing into his green eyes. He smiled back and leaned in, kissing her softly. She kissed back and brought her hands up around his neck. He placed his on her waist, bringing her closer.

"I love you" She whispered softly as they pulled apart. "I know" He teased and kissed her again, making her lean backwards and laugh softly.

Martin and Ingrid looked outside to see their daughter happily smiling in her boyfriend's arms who smiled back at her.

They sighed again, knowing that she would only get into more and more trouble. But, they knew that Hiccup would protect her. And Astrid would protect him. There was nothing that could stand in their way.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now