They Would Last

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Hi guys! This oneshot is from Stoick's POV through out the whole series! Enjoy!


I knew right from the start that Hiccup and Astrid would be together forever. Right from when they were merely toddlers and children.

They would play with each other nearly everyday. They would run in the forest and come out laughing and covered in mud, branches, and leaves.

They would chase each other in the field, chase butterflies, chase grasshoppers. They were very close.

I knew they were just children, but there was something between them that was so special, so unique.

As they grew up, I saw them grow apart. Hiccup, going down a blacksmithing path, and Astrid, a dragon-killing one.

Slowly, their friendship faded until it was almost completely gone. But I knew that not all of it was.

When they turned 15, I noticed that both of them had developed small crushes on each other.

Light pink dusted their cheeks when the other stepped into the same room. They shot each other small smiles as they walked past each other. The only difference was that Astrid could hide it better. So much better than my dorky son.

At the end of the whole Red Death incident, they both kissed right in front of everyone. This gave me more hope that I was right.

That even if their friendship wasn't as strong as before, it was on its way, on a different path to be stronger and closer than ever before.

As Hiccup grew older and went to live on Dragon's Edge, their relationship just got closer. Not having enough courage to get together, they started to build a friendship instead.

I knew that one of them would end up admitting their feelings, but for now I was glad that they were trusting friends.

Astrid would always be there in all the things Hiccup did. She was his partner in battle and closest friend. And he, her's.

Every time Hiccup would come back to Berk and report to me what was happening, Astrid was always there telling half the story.

I noticed the small glances and looks of admiration that they exchanged. The small smiles that they would give each other as they left or entered the room.

It warmed my heart that they were getting closer. But I was exceedingly happy when they finally got together. Thank Thor!

After so long, they finally stopped delaying the inevitable and became a couple. I remember smiling triumphantly at Gobber when Hiccup told us the news. Finally, I thought.

3 months after Hiccup told us, I gave him the betrothal gift that I had given Valka. I recall the blush rising in his face as I brought up the topic and handed him the medallion.

I grinned on the inside as he didn't deny it and thanked me instead. In the corner of my eye, I saw him put it in his satchel, smiling excitedly.

The next time I saw the two of them together, I laughed happily as I found that he made it a necklace and it was now hanging around Astrid's neck.

I was so relieved when they returned back permanently from the Edge and came back home. It satisfied me that I could take care of my son and watch him grow every day.

Not only did I watch him grow into the future chief that I wanted him to be, but I watched him and Astrid's relationship blossom into something so amazing.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now