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Hi guys! Sorry for posting this so late, I fell asleep while writing it 😂. This is another request and it takes place during RTTE! Enjoy!


"Aww, Hookfang! I didn't mean it! Just let me wash you!" Snotlout pleaded, following around the dragon with a pale of water.

"Please, Hookfang. His voice is annoying me" Astrid added, rolling her eyes at the two as she washed her own dragon.

"Dude, just let it go. Let the dragon stink" Tuffnut told him, dipping a cloth back in his bucket with soapy water.

"I don't understand why they can't wash themselves. I mean-" Fishlegs was interrupted by the sound of loud flapping wings coming closer to them.

"What is-" Hiccup asked as he turned around and saw his dad land behind them. He blinked rapidly and shook his head.

"Dad?" He called out worriedly and walked towards him. Stoick groaned and got off his dragon.

"I have a mission around here, son. I need you to take care of this little babe, Kari, for a week." Stoick said, bringing down a small basket with a baby girl sleeping inside.

"You need me to babysit?" Hiccup asked nervously as his father handed him the basket. He gulped and shook his head.

"Dad, I can't. I don't know how." He insisted, pleading to Stoick as he mounted his dragon once more.

"You'll do great, my boy." Stoick encouraged and flew off again, leaving Hiccup stunned with the basket in his hands.

"Umm, looks like we'll be babysitting Kari over here for a whole week" Hiccup announced to the group, nervously biting his lip as he placed the basket down on an elevated surface.

"Cool! A baby!" The twins exclaimed, dropping their stuff and heading over to the small girl in the basket. Everyone else followed and went over to see the baby.

Astrid smiled at the cute baby as it cooed softly at everyone. She looked around and noticed that Hiccup was missing in the small huddle around the child. She frowned and looked around her spotting him nervously biting his lip and thinking.

"Hicc? You okay?" She asked as she approached him slowly. He looked up at her, then glanced at the baby and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Are you scared? Of Kari? The little baby?" She questioned and raised her eyebrow at him. Hiccup gulped again and nodded.

"I mean it's a baby. And, I don't know how to babysit" He answered and sighed deeply.

"Hiccup. You can do it. I know you can" Astrid asserted, taking his hand and giving it a light squeeze. He gave her a small smile and looked over at the baby.

"Okay, guys. We have to take her inside" Hiccup told them and they nodded back at him. Fishlegs carefully picked up the basket and carried it with him.

"I love babies" Ruffnut tells her brother as they all mounted their dragons and flew to the Clubhouse.

"I know. They're almost as messy as us" Tuffnut replied, making Astrid scoff.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now