Right From the Start

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Hi guys! Another oneshot! Song is by Ed Sheeran, Photograph!

The first part happens when they're 18 years old. Astrid's outfit is up there ⬆️, her hair's in her normal braid. (OMT i love dressing astrid up) Enjoy!


"Heather, who's party is this again?" Astrid asked her as they entered the house with music playing loudly and people talking.

"It's the twins, so it's bound to be crazy! Oh, there they are!" Heather replied, pulling Astrid to the outside pool deck where the twins were at. She smiled and waived at them as they hot closer.

"Hey guys! Wanna see something cool?" Ruffnut asked, grinning and pointing to her brother who had a pile of fireworks beside him.

"Uhh, isn't that illegal, Ruff" Astrid pointed out, raising her eyebrow at the pile and looking back at Heather who nodded in agreement.

"Fine! We'll get something else, come on bro" Ruffnut pouted, leaving the pile of explosives on the deck and walking away.

"Wanna get something to drink?" Astrid asked Heather who nodded at her and walked towards the drinks table.

"Hey, babes!" Snotlout exclaimed, stepping in front of them and grinning. The two groaned in annoyance and rolled their eyes.

"I'm gone! Bye, Heather! Sorry!" Astrid said, quickly escaping before she could protest. She walked around the large house until she couldn't hear the loud music anymore.

Astrid sighed happily, finally getting some peace and quiet, and decided to explore the rooms. She opened the door to one room and saw a big white couch and guitars beside it.

"Damn" She mumbled under her breath as she looked at the beautifully decorated room. Just then, she noticed someone was sitting on the couch.

"Hi-hiccup?" She asked, confused at the auburn haired boy sitting at the couch with a guitar in his hands. He looked up at her a smiled.

He changed so much from middle school! Astrid thought in her head, recalling their days as best friends. She felt blush rise and on her cheeks and prayed that he didn't notice.

"Astrid?" Hiccup replied, tilting his head slightly at the blonde haired girl. She got prettier over the years, he thought giddily.

"Gods, what has it been? 5 years, from when we were in middle school?" She added, walking over and sitting down on the arm rest beside him.

Hiccup shrugged at her. "Wow, 5 years" He repeated, chuckling lightly at how quickly time had passed. Astrid looked down at the guitar and back at him.

"You play?" She asked, gesturing to the guitar as he nodded. Wow, he's cute, hot, and talented. Bingo! Heather's voice rings in her head, teasingly.

"Started about 3 years ago. Is it just me, or do you also feel old right now?" He joked, making her laugh softly and grin at him.

Funny too! She says again. Back off, Heather Astrid told her, silencing the annoying voice in her head.

"Can you play something?" Astrid asked him, looking at the strings of the guitar. Hiccup shrugged and glanced at the random sheet paper already set there.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now