Just a Normal Day

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After RTTE and before HTYYD 2, so they're wearing their clothes in HTTYD2


Hiccup was working at the forge. It would be lunch soon and he could go eat with his friends, he thought in relief. He sighed happily and wiped his forehead.

Astrid was leaning on the door frame, giggling softly as she heard him sigh. She walked towards him and put her hands around his middle, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, babe" She grinned, kissing her fiancé's cheek.

Hiccup chuckled at her. "Afternoon, m'lady" He greeted back, kissing her forehead. Astrid laughed at him as be stumbled with the tools.

"There, I'm done" Hiccup said, putting down his tools. Astrid shook her head, smiling while she undid his apron.

"You know, I can do it myself, right?" He teased when she finished, turning around to face her.

"Well, you're too slow" She shot back, taking the apron off around his neck and placing it down beside him.

"You're just impatient" He replied, smugly. Rolling her eyes, she hooked the top of his tunic and pulled him into a kiss.

Hiccup instantly blended into the kiss, kissing Astrid back with as much force. They pulled away, grinning widely at each other.

"You hungry?" Astrid asked him, tilting her head to outside. He laughed and grabbed her hand, together they walked towards the Mead Hall.

"So what have you been up to, m'lady?" Hiccup asked him after they stepped outside the forge.

"Oh you know, Dragon Training, A little of the Book of Dragons. Oh, and since we have that trade thing going on, I've been helping out there." She replied, swinging their laced hands, back and forth.

"Oh yeah the trade thing! That's today? Well, that's why a bunch of people screamed when Toothless and I landed after flying this morning!" Hiccup widened as he said that, making Astrid chuckle.

"Whoops" He said sheepishly, rubbing his neck with his other hand while walking up the stairs.

"They must be so freaked out" Astrid added, shaking her head and smiling. They both pushed on the doors to open.

"Well, Toothless smiled at least" Hiccup said, making him and Astrid laugh as they stepped into the hall.

The Mead Hall was half filled with people. You would expect it to be full due to the trade event, but most people were still arriving.

Astrid and Hiccup went to get their food and walked towards their table where Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins were sitting and eating.

"-and then boom! We got them." Tuffnut finished and crossed his arms as the couple sat down.

Hiccup shook his head and rolled his eyes at him, beginning to eat his food. Astrid scoffed at Tuffnut.

"Who is them?" She asked, also starting to eat her food. Tuffnut opened his mouth to explain, but was interrupted by Ruffnut.

"Dragon hunters" She stated, proudly, also crossing her arms. Snotlout and Fishlegs raised their eyebrows at her, before putting them back down, after Ruffnut glared at them.

"Excuse me," A woman said, interrupting their conversation.

"Can someone tell me where marriages take place in Berk?" She asked kindly, looking at each of them.

"They know" Snotlout murmured as he nodded to Hiccup and Astrid, earning laughs from the twins and Fishlegs and small chuckles from the couple.

"Do you?" The lady asked them, hopefully.
"On the hill beside the woods" Both of them answered at the same time, making them blush even more and the rest of the group to laugh loudly.

"Umm, okay. Thank you" She waived goodbye and left the group to their laughter.

Hiccup shook his head, smiling while putting an arm around his betrothed and kissing the top of her head.

Astrid grinned, chuckling at the others' stupidty and childishness.

"Okay, okay. Astrid and I are betrothed, not new information, people!" Hiccup said matter-of-factly to them, raising an eyebrow.

"You guys knowing the location of your big day 3 years before is" Tuffnut shot back, also raising his eyebrow.

"So, we're kinda excited. You'd be too if you were betrothed. Oh wait, you're not" Astrid replied, smoothly, making Tuffnut shut up. Hiccup chuckled as Astrid kissed his cheek briefly to embarras them. 

"Whatever" Ruffnut mumbled, going back to her food, everyone following her.

The rest of the time, the gang ate, laughed, and made fun of each other. Like any other day, it was just a normal day in their lives.

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