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Hi guys! Small, cute, and funny oneshot of Hiccstrid being parents. Modern AU! Hiccstrid is 24 and Zephyr is one week old! Enjoy!


"Okay, Zeph. We need milk and eggs from the store" Astrid said to the small one-week old baby in her arms. She smiled as she looked down and saw her peacefully sleeping.

Since Hiccup had to go to the doctor and they had ran out of groceries at home, Astrid had to bring Zephyr with her to the store. She was a little nervous because it would be her first time taking Zephyr out by herself.

"There we go" She mumbled while placing her in her small baby carrier at the passenger's seat. She kissed the top of her head and gently closed the door before walking over to the driver's side.

When she tried to pull open her door, she realized that it was locked. Panicking, she went over to the passenger's side and saw that it was locked as well.

Astrid's eyes widened in fear, thinking that she had left the keys inside the car with her daughter. She helplessly looked at her daughter from outside the car window and felt a tear fall from her face.

'Gods, Astrid! It's only been a week and you're already a terrible mother! Just putting your daughter in a car seems impossible! How about everything else?' Astrid thought miserably in her head as she gazed at her sleeping daughter.

"Oh gods, Zeph. I'm so sorry" She whispered softly, feeling more tears fall. Normally, Astrid was never like this, but with all the pressure of being a new mom and her hormones being messed up from pregnancy and child birth, her emotions were everywhere.

She loved her daughter with everything she had and was so happy that they had become a real family now. Her and Hiccup could be that happy they always dreamed of being. Astrid was just terrified that she'd screw it up. Now with this example, she couldn't help but think that she would.

'Focus, Astrid! Where did you last put the keys? Think!' Astrid scolded herself for getting so panicked and forgetting to actually think properly.

Her eyes lit up as she placed her hand in her coat pocket and felt her keys in them. She quickly took them out and unlocked her car.

"Zephyr, my baby!" Astrid said happily while opening the door again and picking up her baby to hug her. She laughed softly when she saw her blue eyes flutter open and look up at her.

Astrid locked the car again and walked back inside their house, completely forgetting what she needed to do. All she wanted to do was cuddle up with her baby and never let go of her again.

She sat down at the couch and plopped down her bag, immediately looking back at Zephyr. Her daughter looked up at her with curious eyes as Astrid smiled and rocked her gently in her arms.

Astrid felt more tears fall from her eyes in relief while she finally held her daughter again. Maybe she was gonna be a good mom after all. Looking at her baby's innocent face, she couldn't help but tear up and think of what she did to ever deserve something as amazing as her.

"I love you so much, Zeph. Never forget that" She told her child and pressed multiple kisses all over her face, making her softly coo.

"Astrid?" A voice called out from the door. Astrid looked up and smiled sadly at her husband who raised an eyebrow at her.

"What happened? Did you get the eggs and milk?" He asked, walking over to them. Astrid sniffed and looked back at her baby, more tears falling down.

"No" She answered and looked up at him with a sad frown and tear streaked face. Hiccup frowned back and sat beside her, concerned.

"Ast, what happened?" He asked worriedly as Astrid let out a small sob and hugged Zephyr tightly. Did something happen to them? Were they hurt? Are they okay? Questions soared through his head.

"I-i put her in her carrier an-and then I realized the ca-car was locked. I th-though the keys were in inside, so i just stood there helplessly for half and hour. Thi-thinking how bad a mother I was going to be. Th-then I remembered the keys were-" Astrid told him and locked away ashamed.

"In my pocket. S-so I brought her back inside and cried" She admitted, letting all her emotions just flood her. Tears rolled rapidly down her cheeks while she looked at her daughter.

Hiccup chuckled, looking at his crying wife who was holding tightly onto her child, and placed his arm around her. He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"You're cute, m'lady" Hiccup said and laughed softly at the story of his wife. She pouted at him and leaned closer to him, still crying softly.

"I just have so many emotions, Hiccup. Where did they come from?!" Astrid demanded while crying hysterically. Hiccup laughed at her frustration and hugged her more.

"I love you and our baby" He told her and leaned his head against hers, looking down at their baby. She let out a soft chuckle and smiled brightly, eyes glazed with tears.

"I love you both too." She whispered and admired her daughter's beautiful face. Both parents looked at their daughter in pure joy and love and felt themselves falling asleep. With a new baby, they were also very tired.

The tiny and adorable family held each other in their arms, sleeping peacefully. That's also how the gang found them after they didn't show up for their lunch. Parenthood did have an effect on them.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now