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Remember the place where the first Hiccstrid scene happened in HTTYD3? That's where this is! A few days before HTTYD3


"Hey, babe" Astrid greeted, getting off of Stormfly and sitting down beside him.

"Hey" He greeted back, kissing her cheek briefly. He smiled at her and looked back at the sunsetting in front of them. They were on a hill, separated from the rest of Berk. A breezy place where they could relax and meet.

Hiccup sighed, making Astrid look back at him. He looked serious and deep in thought, almost worried. "I know that look. What's up?" Astrid asked him, knowingly.

"Do you ever imagine our future?" Hiccup finally let out, locking eyes with her. Astrid frowned and tilted her head, questioning him.

"In the future, do you ever think of us getting married? Having kids? Stuff like that, I don't know" Hiccup asked, both serious and playful at the same time. Astrid smiled a little bit and looked back at the sunset.

"Yeah. I do, a lot actually" She chuckled as he let out a small sigh of relief.

"So you aren't having any doubts about yours truly?" Hiccup teased her, smiling as he put his hand on top of hers.

"I don't know, am I?" She shot back, grinning at him. He rolled his eyes and put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him.

Astrid sighed happily and leaned her head on his shoulder. "So, since you've been thinking about our future too.... how many kids do you see us having?" She asked, looking up at him.

Hiccup shrugged at her. "As many as we're lucky to have" He replied, making her groan in annoyance.

"Seriously. How many?" Astrid gives him a pointed look, crossing her arms and leaning away from him.

"I'm not kidding! As long as they're with you, I'm fine with it!" Hiccup said, raising his hands up, defensively. Astrid shook her head at him and put down her arms, leaning on him again.

"Where would you wanna live?" Hiccup asked her this time, rubbing her circles onto her shoulder.

"Somewhere near enough to the village to do work, but far enough to still be calm and peaceful. Maybe, where we can see the sunset every night" Astrid answered honestly, hugging him even tighter.

"Yeah?" Hiccup asked, grinning at her happily.
"Yeah." Astrid said, chuckling at him.

"You know, that marriage thing. It might not be very far away" Hiccup mumbled softly, rubbing his neck, blushing wildly.

"I don't know. Just don't let Gobber put that much pressure on you, babe." Astrid said, smiling and pretending to not understand what he meant.

"Yeah, Gobber" Hiccup chuckled, nervously. Maybe she wasn't ready, He thought sadly in his head. Astrid laughed at his sad expression, holding her stomach.

"What?" Hiccup frowned at her, confused.
"You really thought that I didn't get what you meant?" Astrid asked, knowingly. Hiccup shrugged, making her shake her head.

"Gods, you have no self-confidence" She mumbled under her breath before putting her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. Hiccup kissed back quickly, making the kiss even more passionate and sweet.

"That's my answer" Astrid grinned at him, pulling back. Hiccup sighed in relief.

"Maybe, wait a few months or years. The question will be even more welcomed" She whispered softly as she nuzzled into his chest. Hiccup chuckled and nodded, just happy that she was with him right now.

Little did they know, that neither of them could wait those few years after that week's events. They didn't know how much they could grow closer in just a moment.

The future was much closer than they thought...

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