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Hi guys! So this small oneshot happens after HTTYD2. Imagine if Hiccstrid had a son there. I named their son Kori and he looks like Nuffink.

I didn't use Nuffink the character here, because I think this plot line is different from when they really have their kids.


It was after the great battle against Drago Bludvist where they all lost someone special to them. After Stoick died, Hiccup became chief.

Outside, it was dark and peaceful. A calming silence all around. But inside the Mead Hall, it was very different. People were dancing and talking loudly to each other.

Valka looked around and smiled as she saw the joy and cheer the village had. Wanting to talk to her son, she scanned the room for her auburn haired son.

She noticed that the front door of the Hall was slightly ajar, so she walked towards it to investigate.

Valka stepped out of the Hall and saw two people sitting on the steps. No never mind, three people. Two who were adults and one who was a child.

She looked closer and saw that it was her son and the girl he kissed earlier. The little boy was in his arms, laughing and playing happily.

"Hiccup, come on. I know you did that to Kori" Astrid laughed and smiled at Hiccup, nudging him a little bit.

"Okay, do you really think I would stuff our son into my dragon's mouth, just to hide him from you?" Hiccup said defensively, grinning widely at his fiancé. Astrid nodded, chuckling.

"Tootles! Daddy! Mouth!" The little boy blabbered, giggling as he pointed to Hiccup.

Astrid shook her head, smiling as Hiccup frowned teasingly at their son. Astrid booped Kori's nose, making him giggle even louder.

"Tickle fight!" Hiccup said loudly, smiling as he and Astrid tickled their son.

"Not fair! Not fair!" Kori laughed out, smiling and squirming in Hiccup's arms.

"Hiccup?" Valka finally said as she stared in awe of the three. They all turned around and smiled at her.

"Mom!" Hiccup greeted, standing up with Kori and Astrid, and walked towards her.

"This is Astrid, my fiancé-" Astrid waived and smiled at Valka who nodded and smiled back.

"-and this is Kori, our son and your grandson" Hiccup finished, patting the boy's back. Kori eyed the stranger carefully and gave her a tiny smile from his father's arms.

Valka's eyes lit up happily as she saw her grandson. "Would you like to hold him?" Astrid asked as she took Kori from Hiccup.

Valka nodded, not able to form words as she held her grandson in her arms. "Hello there, Kori! I'm your grandma!" She greeted happily.

Kori smiled widely as he heard the word 'grandma' and quickly hugged Valka, making her smile and release a small 'oof'.

Astrid laughed softly and wrapped an arm around Hiccup, sighing happily as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Hiccup smiled at the scene and glanced down at Astrid, putting his arm around her waist and bringing her closer.

He was happy that he had his family. Incomplete, but it was still his family.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now