Peace and Quiet

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This is bases of a fan art I saw, I don't know who owns it though. It's so cute. After HTTYD 2 💕


The sun was setting on the Archipelago, as a happy couple sits down after a long of work.

Astrid and Hiccup were sitting close together on the green grass of their favorite island, Itchy Armpit. Their dragons jumping around and playing with each other in the background.

Astrid was casually braiding Hiccup's hair while softly humming as he filled up his map.

It had been a long day for both of them and they just wanted some peace and quiet. Peace and quiet with each other, of course.

Everything seemed so peaceful and in place and... just perfect. But something was bothering Astrid. She felt like she was forgetting something.

Astrid recalled the day's events in her mind, trying to remember what she was forgetting.

I went to the Academy after lunch, taught a few classes. Nothing there... Uh, after that I dealt with the saddle problem of Gobber. Then, I talked to Valka about Snoggletog festivities, announcing Hiccup and I's engagement this afternoon in the Meade Hall .......THE ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT.

"Shoot!" Astrid suddenly shouts and stands up, startling Hiccup, making him jump and drop his charcoal pencil.

"We need to go!" She says urgently to him, her eyes wide as she held out her hand to help him up.

Hiccup took her hand and was quickly pulled up. Astrid then started pacing back and forth, mumbling things to herself. Gods, she is really panicking. He thought, frowning and worrying for her.

"Hey, hey" Hiccup took her hands into his, shaking them a bit to get her attention.

"Whatever it is, it's going to be fine" He gave her a small comforting smile, placing his hand on her cheek.

Astrid sighed and leaned into her fiancé's hand. What did do to deserve you? She thought, smugly.

"We were supposed to be announcing our engagement 3 hours ago..." She said sheepishly, her voice getting higher in every word.

He was quiet and Astrid didn't know whether he was mad at her or not.

"Well, this gives me another chance to use my helmet." Hiccup said, grinning at her, finally breaking the silence.

"Dork" Astrid laughed in relief and punched him in the shoulder. She leaned down to grab his helmet and held it up as her betrothed rubbed his arm in pain.

Astrid chuckled and glanced at him. "Hiccup, this thing is ridiculous" She said looking back at it. How could this thing possibly help him? Astrid wondered

"Please Astrid," Hiccup started, rubbing his arm for the last time and letting it fall by his side.

"You're just jealous it looks better on me" He said smugly while walking towards her from behind, then wrapping his arms around her stomach. That's not true. Anything looks the best on her.. He thought dreamily.

Astrid scoffed at his words. As if he wore it better than her, she thought. She broke free from his arms and whistled for Stormfly. I'll show him.

"Race you, babe" Astrid dared, narrowing her blue eyes that were sparkling in the sunset. She gave him one last grin, warming his heart, and jumped on Stormfly. She winked and quickly flew off into the distance.

Hiccup sighed and grinned. She was not winning this race.

So much for a peaceful and quiet evening... Hiccup thought as he got on Tootheless and chased his wife-to-be.


Hope you liked it! This is kinda rushed so, sorry for any mistakes and the trashy parts. Please comment suggestions and requests!

<3 Abby

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