You're My UNO

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Modern AU. Set when both of them are 18-19.


Astrid and Hiccup were cuddling on the couch on a cold winter day. There was a big storm outside, so they couldn't leave Hiccup's house. His parents were stuck at a family member's house, leaving the two alone.

Hiccup sighed happily as he kissed the top of Astrid's head. She giggled at the feeling and looked up at him.

He smiled at her, flashing his toothy grin. Astrid smiled back and gave him a short, but sweet kiss. (A/N: AHAHHA MY PHONE CHANGED KISS TO KIDS)

Suddenly, Hiccup thought of something they could do together. "Hey, wanna play UNO?" He asked her, nodding towards the shelf with the pack of cards on it.

"Sure, but we already know who's going to win" Astrid agreed, confidently as she stood up to get the cards.

Hiccup rolled his eyes and sat down on the carpet in front of the couch.

Astrid was always so competitive, but what is even worse is she always wins. I mean, always.

His girlfriend quickly sat opposite of him and shuffled the cards, humming as she did.

He wasn't bothered that she always won. He loved seeing her so happy and excited.

She gave them each 7 cards and flipped the first card up. The game went on for about 5 minutes and Astrid was already winning.

Having so many cards and his opponent only having a few, he knew he was going to lose. But, that didn't mean he couldn't have fun...

"My love for you adds up everyday" Hiccup said grinning as he put down a +2 card.

Astrid growled at him. She knew what game he was playing. He was trying to distract her, but ohhhh no. He will not succeed.

She placed down another +2. "Ditto" she replied, smoothly.

Hiccup took four cards from the deck and contemplated his next move.

"No one can cancel your beauty" Hiccup commented, placing down a cancel.

Since they were only two and he placed down a cancel, he went again.

"Blue for your eyes that I can't not always look at" He placed down a wild card.

Astrid blushed lightly while bitting her tongue. Two can play it that game.

"There is only one seven-lettered name that I want to be with for the rest of my life" She placed down a blue seven.

"I don't need to reverse time to go back to the time I fell in love with you. It already happens everyday." Hiccup pressed on, placing a reverse.

"I'd only say those four letters, love, to you!"
"I was nothing, a zero, before I met you"
"I love only one person, you!"
"I love you, too!" (A/N: Too as in two)

"UNO!"Astrid shouted as she put down her last card. Hiccup chuckled and smiled, grabbing her hands.

"I always win because I have you" Astrid smiled back, conntinuing the game they were playing.

"I lose here, so I will never have to lose you"
"Hiccup," Astrid sighed looking deeply into his eyes.

"You're my UNO" She whispered softly, yet it was full of sincerity and love. She pressed her forehead into his and closed her eyes.

Hiccup shut his eyes as well, grinning wildy at her. "I love you so much, m'lady" He said confidently.

"I love you too, babe"


Did you like it? Did ya like it? I just played UNO and got inspired 😂

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now