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Hi!! I just wanna say a few things that I think are REALLY important:
(None of these have happened to me, but I really think it's a problem writers face that really needs to be said)

1) Please don't be so toxic
I hate it when people get mad at minor details. So what? It's so small that it really doesn't affect the story. Writers put blood, sweat, and tears into their stories, if you don't like their work, don't read it. Even if the writer didn't try at all (really super rare), they still put time into it.

2) It's not your book
If you don't like the way the author describes or portrays the character, don't go complete Hulk. It's not your book. Don't read anymore or ignore it. If it's REALLY offensive and REALLY mean (ie saying women are for baby-making purposes only, nothing more: THATS JUST UGH) report it, if you really feel that way. But don't go reporting things that are so controversial (ie saying abortion is good or some controversial topic). Writers also have an opinion, as well as you. Respect each other's opinion please.

3) Be kind
We're all here in the Wattpad community to read and write. We have one common intrest and we should be united from that. Be nice please

This isn't targeted toward anyone.
This is an expression of feelings.

This isn't to hate, judge, or call out others.

It's to help and enlighten.

<3 Abby

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