He Missed Her

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Hi guys! Another AU for the scene where Grimmel goes to Hiccup's house. Enjoy!


"You've never seen anything like me!" Grimmel told Hiccup and whistled loudly, calling his Deathgrippers to attack the riders.

Everyone quickly tried to get out as the acid seeped into the house. One of Grimmel's Deathgrippers attacked from the roof, which caused Astrid, who was hiding on a wooden beam, to jump down to the floor of the house

"Ahh!" She yelped as she landed on the floor and saw the acid closing in. Hiccup looked over at her and frowned worriedly. His eyes widened as he saw a Deathgripper aim at her.

"Astrid, look out!" Hiccup shouted loudly and ran towards her. The Deathgripper shot and stung Astrid in the side, just as she turned to him.

She collapsed into his arms and panted heavily in pain. Hiccup swiftly loops a hand under her knees and brings her outside, all the other dragon riders helping him.

"A-astrid?" Ruffnut whispered in fear as they all finally got outside and saw the large wound in her wide.

Hiccup gently placed her on the ground, him sitting right beside her. He looked at her pained face and felt tears gather in his eyes.

"Astrid, stay with me" He pleaded and cupped her cheeks with his hands, tears rolling down to his cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open and she but her lip, tears also in her eyes.

Valka rushed beside them and inspected the wound. She sighed heavily and looked at Hiccup with sad eyes. His face dropped even more and he shook his head.

"No" He whispered fearfully, shaking his head. Astrid breathed out and sniffed loudly. She couldn't die.

"The venom's already in her system. There's-there's nothing I can do. I'm so sorry" Valka apologized and rubbed his back comfortingly.

Hiccup looked back at Astrid and their eyes connected. They both looked at each other in pain, not believing that they would have to be apart.

He leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. Astrid let out a soft sob and Hiccup felt his heart breaking into a million pieces. She leaned forward and connected their lips one last time, tasting the saltiness of their tears.

They both pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes. Hiccup saw her blue eyes and felt his heart stop beating as he remembered that it was going to be the last time he would see them.

He sobbed in pain and closed his eyes to stop the tears. Astrid lifted her hands and placed them on his face, making him look back at her again. She smiled at him with a tear-stained face and brushed her thumb against his cheeks.

"Hey. It's gonna be okay, babe. Tomorrow, we're gonna wake up in our bed and listen to the gang be the gang and Gobber urging us to get married" Astrid comforted him, making him laugh softly at the end. She smiled wider as she heard his laugh and saw him smile.

"J-just know that, there isn't anyone else in this world that I would rather get married to, Hiccup" She told him and he smiled widely at her.

"I love you so much, Astrid" Hiccup said to her and sighed softly.

"I love you too, Hiccup" Astrid used all of her strength to say and closed her eyes, falling into the dark abyss.

Hiccup felt Astrid go limp in his hands and saw her eyes close. He let out a choked sob and hugged her body to his chest, crying into her hair.

"Astrid. A-astrid, please! Ple-please!" He begged, his shoulders shaking from his sobs. Valka helplessly comforted Hiccup and rubbed his back, softly crying as well.

Fishlegs cried hard into Ruffnut's shoulder who just froze still, not believing that Astrid could just be gone. Beside her, Tuffnut sobbed into his hands, shaking his head. Snotlout stood there and cried silently, tears rapidly falling down.

Astrid was gone. Gone. Away from the world and away from their reach, and they just couldn't handle it.

"Astrid, m'lady, come back. I need you" Hiccup pleaded in between loud sobs, not being able to let go of her. He couldn't feel anything but just pain. Miserable pain. Pain that she left, pain that she went, pain that she would never come back.

The next few days, Hiccup wouldn't even come out of his room. He would just stare helplessly at a drawing he had made of her and cried. The only person that could ever make him go out was gone.

Hiccup couldn't do anything anymore without thinking of her and feeling the miserable pain again. His mind and heart always went to her.

He missed her. With everything he had and he always would.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now