Just You

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Hi guys! This happens before HTTYD3, they're wearing their clothes there in here. Enjoy!


"M'lady? You ready to go?" Hiccup shouted to the door as he flipped another page of his book.

"A minute please!" Astrid yelled back, putting on her boots and fixing her hair for the last time.

"Okay. We can go now" She said, stepping out of the room and taking her axe by the door. Hiccup chuckled and walked over to her.

"I love living with you" He told her, briefly kissing her cheek and taking her hand. She smiled back and stepped out the door.

"So what are we doing today, chief?" Astrid asked, swinging their laced hands back and forth as they walked to the Meade Hall.

"Well, fiancé of the chief and general," Hiccup said, tilting his head at her and grinning. She scoffed and looked away, cheeks light pink.

"Other tribes are coming here for a meeting" He answered, looking over at the ships as they passed the docks. She saw where he was looking at and nodded.

"Hmm, all day?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Half the day" He replied, briefly kissing the bridge of her nose. She laughed and swatted him away, feeling ticklish.

"Okay! You love me! I get it!" She giggled out and blushed. He shook his head and smiled widely at her.

Every morning, they would have this playful and full of teasing conversation. It was their favorite thing to do in the morning as they go to their jobs.

As they opened the door of the Great Hall and stepped inside, they saw many people and chiefs. They were going around, talking with each other and preparing for the meeting.

"Okay, chief mode, on" Hiccup mumbled under his breath as he looked around the large Hall.

"General of Berk, hello" Astrid muttered back to him and dragged him to the front of the room where everyone else was.

"Hey, mom! Eret, 'Lout, Gobber, Spitelout." He greeted and sat down at the head of the table.

"Hey" She smiled and waived at everyone, sitting down on the chair beside him. Both of them were still holding hands under the table.

"The meeting should start soon enough" Valka told them, looking at the large crowd of people in front of them. Hiccup and Astrid nodded.

After the crowd settled and everyone was at their respective tables, Gobber stood up to start the meeting.

"To start this meeting between the chiefs of the Archipelago, I shall introduce all chiefs and generals" Gobber announced, looking to the back of the room.

Gobber went on to introduce every tribe, taking at least 10 minutes until only Berk was left.

"Lastly, we have the chief and general of Berk, the island you are on right now." He started, gesturing his hand for Hiccup and Astrid to stand up.

"Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and General Astrid Fearless Hofferson" He introduced as the couple stood up and nodded at everyone, their hands linked together.

"Aww look at them, all grown up and engaged" He said, forgetting that everyone was looking and listening to him. The couple rolled their eyes and blushed as they both sat back down.

"What?! Sorry, lass!" Gobber yelped as Valka slapped his arm, shaking her head at him.

"Okay, we begin by discussing the-" He started, making Hiccup sigh. Here we go, he thought tiredly as he listened to Gobber.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now