In Love with Astrid Hofferson

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This is before HTTYD2, so they are wearing their clothes from then. Whenever he describes Astrid, Hiccup sees it as one of those 'falling in love' things. Enjoy!


I woke up to a start, Toothless licking me with his slobber. "Hey, bud!" I greeted, patting the dragon's bead and sitting up.

"Get up, son! It's game day!" My father's loud booming voice shouted from downstairs.

I grinned widely. Game day, I thought happily as I swung my legs over my bed and put on my prosthetic leg.

Game day happened every six months, one in the summer and one in the winter each with games suited for the season. This game day was the first one in the year, at summer.

I finished wearing my armor and walked quickly downstairs. Today is gonna be fun, I thought.


Even before he opened the door of the Mead Hall, I already knew that my friends were there. "THAT EGG IS MINE!" I heard Tuffnut shout, followed by more shouts and clattering of something fragile.

I chuckled as I pushed open the door to see everyone standing up and shouting at each other. Everyone but Astrid, of course. She was just eating her breakfast, looking amused at her friends.

Astrid rolled her eyes at them and shook her head. After a few seconds of more shouts, she stood up and took the plate with the egg on it.

"OKAY!" She called out, raising the plate above her head and getting everyone's attention.

"It's either, I split the egg for all of you or I eat the egg. Pick one" She said, eyeing each one of them hiding a grin on her face.

"Split it" They all mumbled, sitting back down and eating the rest of their food.

Astrid finally let out the grin as she sat down and began cutting the egg. Everyone stared at the piece of egg she was cutting, waiting for it to arrive on their plates.

She cut the egg and promptly put it in her mouth, grinning widely as everyone gaped at her. I grinned while sighing softly in awe of my girlfriend. Gods, she was so great.

I, finally getting out of the trance Astrid set me in, walked over to the group and sat beside Astrid, giving her quick kiss.

"Aw, you kiss your boyfriend and eat our egg in front of us!" Snotlout groaned and threw his hands up in the air. Astrid grinned mischievously as they shot glares at her.

"It's game day, guys. Everything's a game. And I win all games." She stated and shrugged.

They all shut up, knowing that she did win everything. All except, dragon racing. That was why I was banned from playing on Game day. Toothless and I were just unbeatable.


I sat at the top of the stage, right beside my father and Gobber who was announcing the start of the race.

"We begin by introducing our dragon riders who will be racing this year!" Gobber said into a machine made to amplify his voice.

"First we have, Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston!" He introduced as the twins standing by the starting line. The audience cheered slightly, a few still annoyed from the pranks they pulled on Loki Day, a few days ago.

"Next up, we have Fishlegs Ingerman!" Gobber said next, the crowd cheering a little louder than it did for the twins as Fishlegs made his way to the line.

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