Grandma and Zephyr

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Hi guys! This was fun to write and see Valka interact with Hiccstrid babies!

Hiccstrid is 26 and Astrid's three months pregnant with Nuffink! Zephyr is 2 and Valka is 46! Enjoy!


Valka stepped into the Haddock household and looked around the living room. She smiled at Zephyr who sat happily on the couch with a stuffed dragon.

"Astrid, let's go!" Hiccup's voice shouted and Valka heard her daughter-in-law groan. Valka stifled a laugh and plopped down beside her grandaughter, listening to their conversation.

"Why do we always have to hose there things?" She heard Astrid ask frustratedly.

"I don't know, maybe because we literally saved them from the dragon raids" Hiccup answered her sarcastically. Valka chuckled softly at her son and shook her head.

"Dam us for being great" Astrid mumbled loud enough for them to hear.

"But hey, at least we don't have to sail and leave the island" Hiccup added and stepped out of the room to see Valka already there with Zephyr.

"Oh, hey mom!" He greeted and went over to kiss her on the cheek. Valka smiled at her son as he kneeled down in front of his daughter.

"Hi, Zeph" Hiccup greeted her and made her giggle by booping her nose. He grinned at his daughter's adorable face.

"Mommy and I are going to be gone for the day, so Grandma Valka is here to watch you" He told her and she nodded excitedly.

"Hiccup, where's-oh! Hi, mom!" The three month pregnant Astrid walked into the room, looking for Zephyr, and smiled at the two of them.

"Thanks for telling me, husband" She muttered under her breath and sat beside Zephyr. Hiccup rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead.

"Bye, Zeph. We love you and be good for grandma" Astrid said and hugged her daughter tightly with Hiccup. They both pulled away after a second and stood up to go to the door.

"Bye mom! Thanks!" Hiccup told Valka as he opened the door for Astrid and they both waived goodbye.

After the door closed, Valka smiled and looked over at Zephyr who looked excited and ready to play.

"So, what do you wanna do, huh?" Valka asked and placed the toddler in her lap. Zephyr giggled and pointed outside.

"Outside?" She asked and her grandchild nodded eagerly. There was another tribe meeting on Berk, so many ships with people would be on the island. Knowing that this was the daughter of her son, Zephyr would get into a lot of trouble.

'Well, some of these people are too uptight anyways. Maybe we can help them...lighten up' Valka thought mischievously in her head and grinned back at Zephyr.

"But you have to stay with me at all times, okay?" Valka told her. "Promise, grandma!" Zephyr replied, making her grin.

"Let's go have some fun then, shall we?" Valka said and held her granddaughter's hand while they walked out into the busy plaza, grinning.

Valka and Zephyr walked the streets all the way to the plaza, where it was the most crowded. She picked up the child and held her in her arm before hiding at a corner.

"Okay, first step is find the most uptight and most fun to trouble person" She said to the toddler in her arms. They both looked around in the crowd, looking for someone to "lighten up".

Zephyr laughed and pointed to a girl on their left who was wearing lots of jewels and a very expensive looking dress. She held her head high up and didn't smile at all.

Valka laughed evilly and kissed Zephyr's cheek. "Good thinking. She'll be very fun" She told her and they both giggled, formulating a plan.


Erica Nord (Remember her 😉?) walked along the plaza towards the Great hall with her head held high. After all these years, she had only grown better and would finally get back her dignity.

Suddenly, she saw a mouse scrambling in front of her and she yelped in surprise. People all around looked over at her and gave her confused looks.

"A mouse!" She exclaimed, looking around at the street in fear. A Berkian viking snickered at her and then saw in the corner of his eye, the heir of Berk and former chieftess hiding behind a barrel. He let out a loud laugh and went back to work, knowingly.

Erica scoffed and held her head high again, continuing to walk. She saw another mouse and yelled again. This time, it chased after her, so she ran, screaming.

"HELP! HELP! THIS MOUSE IS CHASING ME! HELP! GET AWAY, YOU STUPID ANIMAL! A MOUSE!" Erica shrieked, running everywhere to get away from the mouse. Berkian and different tribes of viking chuckled at the girl and went along their day.

Behind the barrel, Valka and Zephyr stifled laughs and held their stomachs. Zephyr giggled uncontrollably and shook her head while Valka sniggered.

"She didn't even realized that it was just a piece of fur attached to her dress with a string!" Valka laughed out and they bursted into laughter.

"Again! Again!" Zephyr exclaimed and jumped out from the barrel to look for their next victim. Valka grinned and removed a leaf from her granddaughter's hair. They would get so dirty today and have so much fun with it!

For the rest of the day, the two played many pranks and fooled many people, mostly visitors who thought so highly of themselves and sometimes the twins (they could fall for the stupidest things sometimes!).

By the time the sun set, both Valka and Zephyr were covered in leaves and dirt as they spent so much time laughing and hiding in places.

They walked back home hand-in-hand, remembering some of their best pranks and laughing at them.

"Did you have fun today, Zephyr, darling?" Valka asked as she skipped along the streets. Zephyr looked up at her and grinned widely, nodding.

"So fun!" She replied happily, making Valka laugh. Her granddaughter definitely had a mischievous and devious side.

Valka grinned and opened the door for them. She looked inside the house and saw that Hiccup and Astrid were already there.

"Hi mom, Zeph! What- why are you guys so dirty?" Hiccup frowned and asked, making Valka and Zephyr grin at each other and laugh.

"What did you guys do?" Astrid asked as well with an amused look on her face. Both grandmother and grandchild laughed at this and shrugged.

"We had fun. Plenty of fun" Valka explained while Zephyr nodded and ran over to her mother who began taking the leaves out of her auburn hair.

Hiccup looked at their mud covered clothes and chuckled. "I can see that" He said and kissed her daughter's cheek.

"Anyways, it's getting late. Bye, Zephyr!" Valka waived at the toddler and Zephyr ran over to give her a big hug. Valka chuckled and hugged her granddaughter back, lovingly.

Both of them had so much fun that day and were so excited to spend many more days in the future together. Grandma and Zephyr, partners in crime.

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