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Hi guys! So sorry for updating so late! I had a lot of things to do and I wasn't able to write, but now I'm back!

Sequel to Together, they're 22-23 years old in this. Enjoy!


Winter was always Hiccup's favorite time of the year on Berk. The way snow covers the village in a soft white blanket. The way the sky is filled with crystal snowflakes falling down.

"AH!" Hiccup shouted in surprise and turned around to see a giggling Astrid, wrapped in fur. 

"Hey!" He exclaimed as he touched the back of his head that was hit by a snowball. She laughed at him and swiftly ducked as one flew past her.

"You didn't!" She threatened, standing back up and running towards Hiccup. He laughed hard at her reaction and then he realized she where she was going. His eyes widened and he ran away.

"AHHH! NO ASTRID! IT'S A JOKE!" Hiccup reasoned, screaming and running away from her. Then, he tripped and fell down, Astrid falling down on top of him.

The two giggled as Hiccup propped himself on his elbows and Astrid kneeled down in between his legs, facing him. They were both covered with a little snow on their hair and clothes.

Hiccup smiled happily at Astrid who was still laughing softly. Snowflakes fell from the sky around them, making it seem lighter and happier.

Astrid smiled back at Hiccup, a snowflake falling onto her face as they stared lovingly at each other. He leaned forward and gently pressed a small kiss on her nose.

She chuckled as he pulled away, still smiling brightly at her. She sighed, tilting her head and looking at her boyfriend in admiration.

'His green eyes, cute freckles and smile, auburn hair...' she thought, leaning in and closing her eyes as she kissed him on the lips. He closed his eyes and kissed her back passionately, grinning into the kiss.

Hiccup sighed happily at the memory as he looked at the snow outside from the Great Hall.  It was 5 years later and they had just gotten married.

Around him, people laughed and ate, celebrating their chief's and new chieftess' marriage. Colorful streamers draped the ceiling and flowers filled the room.

Feeling that something —or someone was missing, he scanned the room for what he was looking for.

In the corner of his eye, he saw the back of their blonde head, retreating to the cold outside. He raised his eyebrow and walked after her. He pushed open the door and it made a soft creaking sound, getting her attention.

Astrid smiled brightly at Hiccup as he closed the door and went over to her. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his middle, resting her head on his chest.

"Too loud?" He asked, knowingly as he nuzzled into her long blonde hair. She nodded in response and felt him lightly kiss her head.

"It's so peaceful out here" She told him, pulling back and walking to a patch of grass with a few flowers. He smiled, watching her as she took one and admired it in her hands.

Suddenly, Hiccup remembered a past memory and got an idea. He grinned widely and quickly began his plan.

Astrid turned around to pick up another flower, when she felt a sudden burst of cold snow against her back.

"GAH!" She exclaimed, dropping the flower and jumping in shock. She quickly turned around and saw her husband doubling over in laughter.

"I'm so sorry, I had to. Couldn't resist" He explained in between laughs as she rolled her eyes at him. Then, he felt snow hit his face and instantly stopped laughing.

Astrid burst out in laughter at his reaction and dogged another snowball as it passed by. Soon, they were in a complete snowball fight, running around and laughing.

"AH! Astrid!" Hiccup playfully groaned as she hit him right in the face. She laughed and hit him in the face more.

He shielded himself from the snowballs and slowly walked closer to her, smiling and shaking his head as he heard her laugh.

"Okay, okay! Stop! I surrender!" He proclaimed, standing right in front of her and raising his hands in the air. She grinned at him and threw one more snowball at his chest.

"Great, right in the heart. Thanks, m'lady" Hiccup said sarcastically as she giggled and dropped the rest of the snowballs in her hands.

"Just a reminder that it belongs to only me, now" Astrid said back, smiling and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It was always just for you" He told her sincerely, placing his hand on her cold cheek. She hummed happily in reply and leaned in to his touch.

"5, 10, 15 years ago, always for you" Hiccup added as she sighed in content and gazed into his bright green eyes that looked lovingly at her. Only at her.

"It's always been you too, babe. Right from the start" Astrid added, placing a small lingering kiss on his lips when she finished.

They both admired each other, how they looked, how the snow lightly covered their hair, how happy and loving their faces were.

They leaned in and kissed each other gently, smiling brightly into the kiss. Hiccup rested his hand on her waist and lightly rubbed her cheek with his thumb with the other.

Snowflakes fell around the newly-married couple as they kissed each other with all their love and joy. Winter had come, and with it an exciting new adventure for them.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now