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Hi guys! Shoutout to TheDragonRides! Read their book, it's really cool!

This oneshot happens during RTTE season 5! Italics for thoughts! Enjoy!


Astrid's POV
The moment my eyes fluttered open, a pang of tiredness and dizziness hit me. I quickly sat up and put a hand to my head.

Oh, that's hot..and not in the good way. I think as I feel my temperature and bring my hand back down.

"Ughhh" I groan loudly and roll out of bed, starting to slowly put on my armor.

What's wrong with me? Did I eat something bad? I guess in my head and sigh softly.

I shuffle my feet across the floor and make my way outside. I walk over to Clubhouse,  shivering and lightly trembling even if it wasn't cold this time of year.

Once I got there, I sigh in relief and lean on the door, pushing it open. Then, the door swings open and made me fall to the ground.

Whoopsies. I fell. I think, feeling drowsy and really weak. No, Hofferson aren't weak.

"Astrid!" I hear a familiar voice call out and felt arms helping me sit up. I lean on his chest and pant tiredly.

"Astrid, are you okay?" The voice whispers to me and I rub my eyes to see that it was Hiccup. I nod and try to stand up, despite the ringing in my head.

Woah, can anyone else hear the ringing? I think in my head as I stand up and try to walk forward. After a few steps, I trip and fall back into Hiccup's arms.

Okay, can't walk. But can someone stop the ringing? I feel Hiccup telling me something and his arms begin to carry me, but then I black out after that.

Hiccup's POV
I quickly carry Astrid and walk back to her hut, hearing her mumble intangible things.

"Shhh, it's okay" I whisper back to her as she stirred a little in my arms. I look down at her and saw that her face was flushed.

I frown and gently lay her down on her bed. I out my hand on her forehead and felt that her temperature was really high.

"Gods, Ast. You're burning up" I mumble and look around for a towel to dip in water and place on her head.

I spot one on her cabinet and bucket of water beside it. Why didn't she just sleep in? I think in my head as I bring them over to her.

"Oh, Astrid" I sigh and sit down on the chair beside her bed, placing the wet and cold towel on her forehead. Slowly, her blue eyes opened and looked up at me.

"H-h-hiccup?" Astrid stutters out and squints at my face to see me better. I give her a small smile and nod.

"Good morning" I greet and push a piece of hair behind her ear, looking at her. Even if she's sick, she's still beautiful as heck.

"Morning, babe" She greets back and then smiles happily at me, making my heart flutter. Calm down, Hiccup. It's just a smile. I tell myself and held her hand.

As I held her hand, I remembered the real reason why I was there and widen my eyes. "Oh, you have a high fever. You're staying in bed" I tell her, making her frown at me.

"Nooooo! I wanna train!" She whines and pouts at me, cutely. I mock her pout and tilt my head at her.

"Then you'll faint again and I don't wanna see you hurting" I say in a baby voice and lean closer to her. She narrows her eyes and attempts to sit up.

"Astrid, please rest" I plead and help her sit up, fearing that she would get hurt. She sits up and swings her legs over the bed, directly facing me.

"I'm gonna train" She states and looks at me with a determined face. I raise my eyebrow and shake my head.

"No, you aren't. You're going to save your energy and get better" I say and see her eyebrows furrow, making a frown.

"Hiccup, I'm fine. I'm training" She tells me, but shivers at the end of her sentence. I frown at her discomfort and shake my head.

"Hiccup. Chill. I. Am" Astrid states and jabs a finger at my chest at every word. I look down at her finger at my chest. She's so cute when she's determined

"Training" She finished, but I connect my finger with hers and laugh at how I ruined her stern speech. She looks down at our fingers in confusion as I continue to laugh.

"Astrid, rest" I chuckle out and help her back into bed

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"Astrid, rest" I chuckle out and help her back into bed. She sighs and lies back down on the bed, knowing that she couldn't win the argument anymore.

"Rest" I say to her and stand up to leave. She sits up quickly and grabs my hand before I could go far.

"Can you stay with me?" Astrid asks me in a little voice. I smile at her and nod, sitting back down. How can I resist that?

Third Person POV
She desperately needed to rest. Not just because she was sick and tired, but she was driving Hiccup crazy.

Her cute smile and determined face. How she laughed and looked at him. The way she fought and defended who she loved. It was all driving him crazy in love with her.

Making his heart beat like crazy, his mouth smile like crazy, and his eyes sparkle happily like crazy. Crazy in love.

If you don't give it a rest, Astrid, I'll go crazy. Hiccup thought as he fluffed her pillow at little. He looked at her and sighed in happiness. Maybe, crazy is good.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now