Don't Touch Her Part III

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Hiccup felt a tear roll down his cheek as he watched his beloved fly away. I wasn't able to protect her, he thought sadly.

He shook his head. He couldn't give up that quickly. This was Astrid they were talking about. He wouldn't rest until they get her back. He just couldn't. He needed her.

"Here's the plan" He said, facing everyone, their faces showing determination and hopefulness, but not as much as Hiccup's. His face was serious, his eyes gleaming with hope that they would get her back.

"We-" He was cut off by a loud shout of happiness. They all turned immediately, preparing for an attack. Instead, they saw Valka stepping into the open room.

"Mom!" Hiccup greeted and ran into her arms giving her a brief hug then pulling away showing his worried face.

Valka, noticing his mood, looked around for the person who could calm him down and give him confidence the most. "Where's Astrid?" She said, scanning the group once more and then faced Hiccup again.

"Grimmel's forcing her to lead him to the Hidden World" Hiccup said bitterly, staring of into the distance, thinking. Valka turned to the others, they explained to her what happened.

"-and she-" Fishlegs was interrupted by Hiccup
"Mom, can we borrow your boat?" Hiccup asked, his face lit up as he realized something. He quickly took their box of weapons and heaved them onto the boat.

"Of course, son, but their dragons are much faster." Valka nodded as he walked onto the boat, gesturing for everyone else to get on.

"Astrid didn't lead him straight there." He explained, getting the boat ready as the group got on.

"The Hidden World is east, she went north and will turn, making the journey longer, so-" He added, handing the ropes of the boat to the twins.

"We can go straight there and hopefully make it there at the same time, or a little later." Fishlegs finished Hiccup's thought, his face in awe of the chief. Hiccup smirked briefly at his friend and set sail.

I'm coming, Astrid. Hiccup thought as he adjusted the sails and went over to them helm of the boat, steering towards his beloved.

I won't let him touch you, m'lady.


Half and hour had passed when Hiccup finally walked down from the helm and leaned on the side of the ship.

Valka smiled sadly at his son who was busy worrying about his fiancé. She touched his shoulder, comfortingly and stood beside him.

"Astrid is a strong lass. She'll be okay" Valka said, looking out onto the waves and open sky.

"I just wished she didn't risk her life for mine" Hiccup replied sadly as he looked towards where the boat was sailing.

"She loves you, son. She'll do anything for you. I'm sure you would do" Valka stated, as Hiccup turned to face her.

"Of course, I do." Hiccup nodded and smiled briefly at his mother at the thought of his love for Astrid. Oh boy, did he love her.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout shouted from the front of the boat. Hiccup walked quickly towards him, looking at what he was pointing at.

"The Hidden World" Hiccup whispered softly in recognition as he saw the waterfall. Suddenly, the heard a loud growl from above. Hiccup's eyes immediately lit up when he realized who it was.

"Toothless!" He shouted with glee as the dragon landed happily on his boat, beginning to lick his best friend on the face.

"Aw, bud! I missed you too!" Hiccup said, patting the dragon on his head. Toothless cooed as he looked around the group. Where was the blonde girl that Hiccup loves? The Night fury thought and warbled to Hiccup, questioningly.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now