How to Ride a Toothless

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It was after noon when Hiccup had just finished a class at the Dragon Training Academy.

He smiled and looked around, remembering what it was before and how much they had changed from then. He always had these things on his mind.

Suddenly, another important thing that was always on his mind walked in with her braided golden blond hair and her deadly axe

"Hey, Hiccup!" Astrid greeted and walked over to him. Hiccup grinned and turned to face her.

"Hey, m'lady. What have you been doing?" He asked while walking closer to her.

"The usual: dragons, training, you know" She listed, smiling at him as he gave her a brief kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, are you busy?" Astrid asks him.
"Nope, nothing else to do today" He replied, making her grin.

"I was just thinking. You know how you're the only one who can ride Toothless?" Hiccup nodded at her.

"Yeah well, what if something happens and you can't be there to ride him? So I thought, maybe you could teach me how to ride Toothless" Astrid asked, biting her lip nervously.

"Astrid, that's a great idea!" Hiccup replied, seeing the nervousness on her face and hugged her. She sighed in relief, forgetting why she was worried in the first place.

"Wanna start now?" He asked her, raising his eyebrow and grinning.

"Sure, race you there!" Astrid laughed and ran to Stormfly. "Oh come on, every time?!" Hiccup rolled his eyes and whined, getting on Toothless and following after her.


"Okay first step is to figure out which position is suited for the situation" Hiccup instructed from behind Astrid as they rode on Toothless.

"So if you wanna go up, there's one for that" He said, pointing to his old cheat sheet that he gave to her.

"Okay. So, position four?" She guessed, hesitantly pressing on the pedal.

"WOAH!" They both shouted as they almost hit a big rock formation. Toothless looks back at with a frown, Astrid smiled apologetically back.

"Okay, not four" Astrid said sheepishly, while looking back at the cheat sheet. Hiccup chuckles and briefly kisses her cheek to calm her down.

"Let's try...two?" She guessed, pressing down once more. For a minute, it was actually working, until another boulder came in the way

"Five?!" Astrid exclaimed, frowning. They hit the boulder a little, causing the Night Fury to grumble and Astrid and Hiccup to yelp.

"Sorry, Toothless. Hiccup, you oka- HICCUP!" Astrid exclaimed as she saw him falling down because of the hit.

Without looking at the paper, Astrid instinctively pressed down on the pedal and flew down to catch Hiccup.

They flew down just in time to catch him, letting him fall and sit right behind Astrid.

"Thank Thor, Hiccup are you okay?!" Astrid asked, urgently, and turned around to face him.

He grinned and leaned in to kiss her. Astrid easily melted into the kiss and began kissing him back, until Toothless warbled loudly.

Astrid quickly pulled away and faced forward, widening her eyes as she saw a whole bunch of boulders.

She took shook her head and briefly closed her eyes to take a deep breath. Then, she narrowed her eyes and focused, heading forward and pressing the pedal in all sorts of ways.

Once they got through them all, Astrid grinned widely as she saw clear skies. She looked down at Toothless and petted his head happily. She turned around to face Hiccup and saw him smiling at her.

"You did so amazingly well, m'lady. I'm so proud of you" He said softly, giving her a quick hug. She sighed and let out a small laugh in relief.

"You know, I found out something today. We learn the same way, when we really need to" He stated and got off of Toothless. He turned back to Astrid and offered his hand.

"Pressure is a better teacher than a lousy piece of paper" She added and lightly chuckled, taking his hand and jumping off with his help.

"Hey, I worked hard on that paper" Hiccup defended, pretending to pout.

"Looks like we both didn't even need it" Astrid commented, handing him the paper and rolling her eyes.

"Well, it was still worth it. You being focused and confused is really cute" He muttered softly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

She smiled and shook her head, pressing her lips onto his. He grinned and kissed back, placing his hands on her waist.

Toothless rolled his eyes at them and turned around. Great. Am I faster boat service now, or what? What is it 'How to Ride a Toothless'?He warbled sarcastically.

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