A/N: Last Chapter

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Hi guys! So, this is the last chapter for this book! It's very sad and nostalgic for me because this is my very first book and now it has come to an end 😢

Don't worry! I will still be writing oneshots and the requests you guys gave me! The requests I didn't do yet will be in the next book! Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2!

Thank you so much for being with me this whole time, guys. All the comments, votes, views, and you guys just being amazing! Thank you!

From the beginning, I didn't think I would get so far. Somehow, more and more people read and I just got more and more happy. It's a dream come true.

I love you guys and thank you for reading! Go read the next book 🤣!

For the last time in this book,
<3 Abby

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