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This is in Astrid's POV ❤️
After HTTYD 3 and Italics for thoughts ☺️


It was sunset on New Berk. It had been a week after that infamous day and they were in the middle of building their houses and buildings.

Astrid walked into the town plaza, coming back from her watch around the island. She scanned her surroundings, looking for her now husband-to-be. She grinned as she relived that happy moment and got even more excited to see her beloved Hiccup.

She quickly spotted Hiccup who was standing back and looking at the buildings. She sighed heavily. Oh, Hiccup. Him.

He was everything to her
Her sun, her moon, her stars

Without him,
She would be nothing

The way he smiled
The way he laughed
The way he told her 'I love you'
Everything about him is everything to her

She had been there right at the beginning
The time he started doubting himself
The time when he had no confidence
The time that he started to grow

She was always there
There to support
There to believe in him
And most of all,
There to love him

And she would always be

By this time, Hiccup had noticed her gazing at him and began to walk over to her, grinning. It was only when he was a few feet away when Astrid shook her head and blinked, clearing her thoughts.

"Good evening, m'lady" Hiccup greeted, smirking widely. 

"I see you have been staring at me" He raised his eyebrow at her, teasingly as she punched his shoulder.

"Shut up" Astrid mumbled, blushing deep red.
"Make me" Hiccup dared her, narrowing his eyes at her.

Astrid shrugged. "Sure" She quickly pressed her lips to his and laced her arms around Hiccup's neck.

Hiccup kissed back, grinning as he placed his arms on her waist.

Gods, the way he kissed her.
It was intoxicating.

They only pulled apart when a Viking cleared his throat behind them. Astrid smiled at Hiccup, still blushing a little bit. Hiccup returned her smile and lifted up her hand to kiss it.

"I have to go. I love you. I'll see you later, Astrid" Hiccup said to her, smiling and walked away.

Oh, and the way he said her name.
She just wanted to grab his stupid, cute face and kiss it until she forgot how to.

Astrid shook her head and chuckled to herself. He was making her such a girl. She walked back to her and Hiccup's tent, thinking about the person she loved the most.

The moment she stepped in the tent, the memories of how Hiccup proposed came back to her. She smiled. It was such a beautiful moment. Ever since then, Hiccup and Astrid always slept together. (Chapter 1:
The Saddest and Happiest Night ❤️)

She sat down on the make-shift desk Hiccup had made and looked at how much stuff there was crowding it. Astrid chuckled. Lets do this.

She picked up the charcoal pencil and started writing. After a while, she fell asleep, dreaming dreams of him.


The chapter in Hiccup's POV, Her, will be up soon! I hope 😂

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now