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Italics for the narrator! Enjoy!


Do you ever wonder how Hiccup got so strong and all good in combat? Well, it was all because of one girl.

Astrid released a battle cry as she raised her axe above her head and swung it at Hiccup.

Hiccup didn't get most of his strength and muscles from the forge. He got it from training with Astrid.

Hiccup quickly side stepped her attack and swung the Inferno at her and smirked.

They had been training and sparring together since they were 15. That's why they made such an amazing battle combo. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses and were always so in sync.

Astrid easily blocked the attack, pulling her axe out of the ground and pushing it against Hiccup's Inferno. She noticed his smirk and grinned back, giving him a hard push back.

So, let's start from the very beginning shall we? Right from when they were just small kids

Astrid sat down beside Stormfly, petting her head gently, unable to sleep. It was the middle of the night and she just couldn't get her mind off something.

Hiccup had woken up that day from his coma and she didn't want to lose him again. Astrid knew she couldn't stop him from joining battle now that he's a dragon rider, but she knew she had to make him safe.

"Astrid?" A voice called out from behind her.
She quickly turned and saw Hiccup enter the old Kill Ring, now their kind-of stables. She waived and waled over to him.

"Couldn't sleep?" She guessed, closing Stormfly's door and petting her head 'goodbye'.

"Yep" Hiccup replied, kicking the floor with his good foot and shrugging at her.

Suddenly, Astrid got an idea. "Spar with me!" She shouted in excitement, running towards her axe and picking it up.

"W-what?! N-no!" Hiccup stuttered in surprise as he widened his eyes.

"When you fight enemies, you can't always be on your dragon." She argued, tossing him a sword as she walked back to him.

Hiccup sighed and picked up the sword, getting in a defensive position. Astrid twirled her axe in her hand and attacked first.

She swung her axe at him, making him fall to the ground, and she easily put her axe to his throat.

"Come on, Hiccup" She encouraged, raising her eyebrow as she helped him back up.

This is a start to a lot of long nights, Hiccup thought as Astrid swung her axe at him once more.

At the end of that week, Hiccup learned to block. Well, it was a little progress, but still progress!

After training together for 3 years, not only Hiccup benefited. Both Astrid and Hiccup got a lot better with each other's help.

Hiccup smiled as he easily blocked the attack Astrid had hit him with. "Call it a draw?" She asked after he won the last fight.

"Not on your life. I got you right where I-uh what? okay!" He was quickly flipped over by Astrid and had her axe to his throat.

Astrid smirked as she pulled him up, winning the fight and making a tie between the two.

This time, the progress was much better. Astrid still won at least 70% of the fights, but Hiccup was doing really well. I mean, only a few people had ever beaten Astrid Hofferson in a battle. But let's go back to the present.

Hiccup quickly got up and blocked another attack from Astrid. Knowing she wouldn't back away, he pulled back his sword and made her fall.

Astrid shook her head, grinning, as she swung her axe to his legs from the kneeling position she was in.

Hiccup saw her do this and jumped right in time, facing her with his blazing sword.

Astrid got up and stood defensively as Hiccup attacked her this time. "Give up?" She asked, smirking at him. He grinned at her, not falling for the trick again.

Out of no where, Astrid gasped and fell to the floor. "Astrid?" Hiccup called out, quickly kneeling down beside her.

"Oh gods, Astrid." He murmured, checking her vitals, worriedly. She opened her eyes and grinned, leaving Hiccup confused.

Astrid quickly got up and put her axe to Hiccup's throat, triumphantly.

"That was just mean" Hiccup narrowed his eyed at her, his mouth in a frown as she helped him back up. Astrid laughed.

"Did you- did you see your face!" She said, holding her stomach, in fits of giggles and laughs. He rolled his eyes at her and pulled her in a hug, unexpectedly.

Astrid hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder, confused.

"You really scared me then, m'lady" He explained, kissing the top of her head as she chuckled softly.

"Aww, then I'm sorry, babe" She apologized and pulled back, smiling as he laced their hands together.

"Anything to win a fight, though" Astrid grinned and shrugged at him, making him shake his head and smile at her.

They were 50/50 now, both of them winning half of their fights. But when they're put with each other, they're unstopable.

It just proves that they much better together.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now