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Sequel to the last chapter, Him. Enjoy!


Hiccup walked into him and Astrid's hut, thinking about all the work he still had to do and sighing heavily. Then, he smiled,
remembering the talk he had with Astrid earlier. Well, it wasn't a talk more than just kissing, but sure. Talk.

He entered the house and looked around for his fiancé. "Astri-" He stopped speaking as he found her sleeping on a desk.

Chuckling, Hiccup walked over to his drooling betrothed. She had a charcoal pencil in one hand and a paper in the other.

Hiccup gently pryed from her hand the paper and began to read it. She was writing down a solution to the Terror Mail problem. Hey, this is a really good plan!

Hiccup look down to Astrid and sighed. She always know what to do and the best way to do it. She would make the perfect chieftess. Hiccup thought happily, smiling at her.

Oh, she was so, so

She is kind and smart
She is brave and strong
And most importantly, she is mine.

I get to live all my days with her
I get to spend laughter and joy with her
I get to love her forever and ever

Loving her is never a burden
It's one of my priorities
It's one of my hobbies

It's something that is so unstoppable that not even time can change the way I feel for her

Hiccup smiled and picked up Astrid, bridal style, and carried her to their blanket on the floor. He gently put her down and took off her armor.

Without knowing, Hiccup started humming For the Dancing and the Dreaming, his parents' song while he finished taking off Astrid's armor and began taking off his own.

Suddenly, a soft voice started singing.
"I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never fear of drowning
And gladly ride the waves of life
If you will marry me" Astrid sang softly, opening her eyes to look at her husband-to-be who was smiling widely at her.

Hiccup lied down beside her as she nuzzled into his chest, closing her eyes once more.
"That's my line by the way" He commented, teasingly.

He felt Astrid grin at his words."Well, I sang it better than you did" She mumbled, teasing him back.

"Yeah, you did, m'lady" He kissed the top of her head, making her giggle.

"You love me" Astrid chuckled out, pulling back from his chest to look at him.

"Obviously" Hiccup replied, grinning and kissing her on the lips.


Last two lines were from Toothless_NightFury1's book Hiccstrid Oneshots! It's amazing. Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry, I couldn't resist putting the song in!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now