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Happens in between HTTYD2 and HTTYD3! Enjoy!


"Phew! Thank Thor, that day's over!" Hiccup sighed loudly, sitting onto his bed. Astrid laughed, taking of her armour and putting down her axe by the door.

Astrid and Hiccup almost always slept together. They were engaged, so the whole village didn't care. And besides, they weren't doing any of that, anyways.

"I mean, that day was terrible! We both had so much to do! And they were all so tedious! First, we had the-" Hiccup started rambling on about their bad, long day while Astrid placed all her armor on the floor beside his bed.

Astrid let her hair fall down, unraveling the braid she had. Hiccup gaped at her. He had seen her hair down before, but he hadn't really pair that much attention.

Hiccup didn't realize that Astrid was tilting her head at him and frowning. "What?" She asked, confused at what he was starring at.

"You hair. It's down" Hiccup pointed out, smiling at her. Astrid rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest.

"You've seen me with my hair down, like a million times, babe." Astrid laughed, sitting down, cross-legged on the bed beside him.

"Yeah, but. I haven't really looked at it, you know?" Hiccup said in awe as the rays of moonlight gleamed on her face.

"You look beautiful, m'lady." He smiled and complimented, lightly brushing her cheek with his thumb. Astrid blushed and looked away, grabbing her hair, conciously.

"Why don't you put it down more often?" Hiccup asked, frowning as she bit her lip and fiddled with her thumbs. Clearly, she was bothered by something.

"Astrid? What's wrong?" He asked, worriedly while scotting towards her. Astrid sighed and looked back at him.

"I don't like my hair." She mumbled, frowning as she looked into his forest green eyes. Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, but Astrid beat him to it.

"I think it's so flat and boring, so I fix it in a way that it isn't" She explained, more blush rising on her cheeks.

"I think your hair," Hiccup started, taking a strand of it between his fingers.

"I think it really shows who you are. It's bouncy, you're always so attentive and observant. It shines, you always stand out in a crowd. It's smooth, you are always so confident. It's Astrid. Everything about you is Astrid. And I love Astrid." Hiccup told her, his eyes gleaming with sincerity. Astrid smiled back at him, feeling so much more secure and happy.

"I love you" Astrid whispered, lacing her hands around his neck and snuggling into his chest.

"I love you too, m'lady." Hiccup replied, lying down on the bed so they could sleep.

"And your hair" He added, making her laugh.


Hiccup stirred, waking up to a bright ray of sunshine hitting his face. He turned and saw Astrid getting ready.

"Morning, m'lady" Hiccup greeted, grinning as she turned and smiled at him. He sat up and swung his leg over the bed. "Morning, babe" Astrid replied, grinning back and leaning down to kiss him.

"Ok, I have to go, now. I promised Gobber that I would help out a little at the Academy." Astrid said while looking into the mirror, doing a final check. Only then Hiccup noticed that her hair was down in a braided half-pony.

"Axe," Hiccup reminded teasingly, making Astrid chuckle and grab her axe from the floor.
"And, I like your hair" He finished, grinning.

Astrid grinned back at him and gave a brief kiss on the check and left. Maybe it was also time to change her outfit...

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now