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Set before HTTYD2! Enjoy!


"Hiccup?" Astrid called out, looking inside his hut for him. She smiled as she saw Hiccup sitting down on the desk beside his bed.

"Hey, babe" She greeted sitting down on the bed. "Afternoon, m'lady" Hiccup greeted back, briefly looking up and flashing a grin at her.

"Okay, annnnnddddddd-I'm done" He stated dropping his pen and yawning a little bit, stretching his arms upward. Astrid shook her head at him, smiling as she took off her armor.

"What? Hey, that was a long letter and I spent all day on this armor" Hiccup said defensively while also taking off his armor. Astrid chuckled, looking at her beloved briefly and quickly looked back as something caught her eye.

She squinted, looking at the red circle on his tunic. As she looked at it, she saw that it was a Deadly Nadder symbol and that it was placed right above his heart. Astrid felt her heart flutter as she smiled a little and tilted her head.

"What's that?" She asked Hiccup, gesturing to the symbol strapped across his chest. Hiccup hummed, questioningly in response.

"Is that a Deadly Nadder symbol? Across your heart?" Astrid asked, smiling at him widely as he looked down to see what she was talking about.

Hiccup chuckled lightly and took off the last of his armor. "Yeah. It's meant to show the whole world that I love you" He replied, grinning and lied down on the bed beside her.

"Gods, Hiccup. One day the sap will kill you" Astrid said to him, shaking her head in disbelief. As she shook her head, Hiccup's helmet caught her eye.

Astrid immediately sat up and reached for the helmet, looking at it's side once she got it. A Deadly Nadder. She looked back at Hiccup raising her eyebrow and grinning.

"I just want you to be with me everywhere I go" Hiccup said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Astrid leaned into his touch, affectionately, and smiled. She wasn't weirded out in any way, oh no. It was the opposite.

"I'm happy that they're there." Astrid mumbled, happily, as she nuzzled back into Hiccup's chest. He sighed in relief at what she said and kissed the top of her head, smiling.


"Hiccup, where do we put these dragon scales?" A viking asked Hiccup who was standing in front of a project that he was working on.

"In that bin over there" He answered pointing to the left as the viking began to drag the two bags full of dragon scales.

"Oh wait, lemme give you a hand" He stopped him and took one of the bags, beginning to pull it across the floor.

"Aye, thanks! You see, Marty here keeps shedding! He won't stop!" The viking rambled on as they pulled the bags to the bins.

"Yeah, we really need to figure out what we can do with these scales" Hiccup replied, thinking of how they can use them. They pulled the sacks and hauled them over into the bins, sighing in relief when they did.

"Thanks!" The viking waved bye, walking away from him. Hiccup put his hands on his waist and sighed as he looked at the project.

Exiting someone's house while waving and smiling goodbye, Astrid walked towards Hiccup. She smiled brightly as she saw the Deadly Nadder symbol again, feeling her heart flutter again.

"Dork" She teased as she passed by Hiccup who was staring at the structure before him. He quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts and turned around to see his betrothed.

Astrid giggled walking away as he looked at her with confusion. Hiccup rolled his eyes and briefly placed a hand on the symbol.

"Dork you fell for, m'lady!" He called after her as he looked back, smiling, at Astrid's laughing and retreating figure.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now